Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

(An Invited Paper) 
Sanjib K. Ghosh 
Laval University 
1355 Pavillon Casault, Laval University 
Québec, G1K 7P4 
Commission VI 
Photogrammetry continues to play an ever increasing role in the world of 
mapping sciences. Its present needs and future trends are analyzed. Vari- 
ous levels of education are identified. A realistic annual rate of student 
intake is considered. Various conceptual models are discussed. The associ- 
ated areas of science and technology and their roles in the wide academic 
structure are indicated. A pattern of courses and its arrangement is sug- 
gested in view of the current need in the world and of the changing techno- 
logical developments. 
La photogrammétrie continue à jouer son rôle toujours croissant dans le 
domaine des sciences cartographiques. On y analyse ses besoins actuels 
ainsi que ses tendances. Les niveaux divers d'éducation sont identifiés. 
On y considère un taux annuel d'admission des étudiants qui est réaliste. 
Des modèles conceptuels divers sont élaborés. Les domaines scientifiques 
et technologiques associés et leurs rôles dans l'immense structure academi- 
que sont indiqués. Un modèle des cours et sa disposition a été suggéré. 
Ceci est élaboré en considération des besoins à travers le monde et en vue 
du développement technologique en constante évolution. 
Poincaré, the famous scientist of France wrote a century ago that science 
is built up with facts like a house is built with stones; but a collection 
of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. This con- 
cept would lead us to our premise. Our cameras and sensors as well as in- 
struments and computers are admirably efficient in collecting facts. But 
unless we understand their significance and have appropriately trained peo- 
ple to do the job, the "heap" of facts would not provide us our "home". 
Photogrammetry may be considered as an independent discipline, although it 
is still an important component in the complex system of modern Surveying 
and Mapping (S&M). Recent United Nations' studies (1983) on the status of 
mapping in the world and the efforts of the ISPRS Working Groups VI-1 and 
VI-7 (on Inventory and Education, respectively) indicate that photogramme- 
try has reached an effective level of efficiency and would remain for years 
to come the most efficient base technique for producing topographical and 
other maps with the use of aircraft and satellite base imageries. This 
technology must be maintained, understood and utilized with care until some- 
thing better comes forward, if at all, to replace it for use in S&M. 

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