Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

4 The Information Retrieval System ISPRS -IRS on literature and factual data 
The foregoing reveals that in our field an adequate and reliable literature 
retrieval system does not exist in any country earthwide. Therefore, ISPRS 
embarked to fill this gap. Details of what has been done have been published 
by Hothmer 198^. The following is a summary report of that paper. 
The basis for the operation of ISPRS -IRS are the detailed Specifications as 
attached to the quoted publication. 
Ihe substantive set up is shown 
in figure 2. An ISPRS -IRS Co - operation with International Societies 
Office is responsible for the | ICA | | FIG | [ 746 | [isPRS | hes. AAO 
database. Co-operation should ‚particularly within! 
be established with as many | | | | the variety of fields | 
institutions as is feasible | janplyng remofe — | 
and possible. Co-operation was ISPRS - IRS OFFICE penso m 
settled with the Sister Socie- responsible for database| 77 di 
ties International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sen- | 7 
ong (ISPRS), internak:onat Care RESORS VINITI ISTIC IFAG 
tographic Association (ICA), Canada USSR China Japan FRG 
International Association of 
Geodesy (IAG), and International 
Federation of Surveyors (FIG), 
and this writer was assigned Con- 
vener ISPRS -IRS. Co-operation Input from countries or institutions 
with other Societies promoting {0 be ego 1 
and applying remote sensing was 
Figure 2 
Substantive support for ISPRS - IRS 
The range of subject fields 
shall comprehend surveying & 
mapping including remote sensing. Some commentators proposed to consider imple- 
menting a separate database for remote sensing as this technology serves many 
Scientific disciplines. Being aware that most results of remote sensing re- 
quire presentation in a thematic map, the outcome was that remote sensing may 
best be served within the ISPRS -IRS Database. 
The content of the ISPRS -IRS Database shall include bibliographical data with 
summaries being subsumed from conventional and from grey literature, as well as 
factual data. Full document delivery can be provided according to the outline 
presented in figure 3. 
Input selection is anticipated to prevent that users be submerged by too many 
computer outputs. The procedure is delineated in figure 4, 
In pursuance with requests having been put forward at the ISPRS Symposium Mainz 
1982, the powerful hosts ESA = IRS in Frascati -Italy, and STN Karlsruhe - FRG 
(including STN = USA and STN - Japan as well) agreed to negotiate on the grounds 
of the Specifications to host the ISPRS -IRS Database. 
Any achievement of our International Society should be available to all Member 
Countries. Bearing in mind that most online retrieval requires payment in hard 
currency, and envisaging that quite some Member Countries, particularly de- 
veloping nations, can not afford spending hard currency for this purpose, 
ISPRS -IRS has been designed so as to allow a free-of-charge access via the 
'"Post -Card -Approach'! (PCA), compare figure 3. 

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