Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Classical Photogrammetry Revisted 
Let us start with the well known projective relationships 
relating the terrain coordinates N,E,H, of point P to 
image coordinates x,y of image (i). 
Figure 1: The Projective Relationship 
xp- C* a,*(Np-No) * a,*(Ep-Eo) 4 a,*(Hp-Ho) - Px( (Np,Ep,Hp) 
a;*(Np-No) + a,*(Ep-Eo) * a,*(Hp-Ho) 
ypÜ"- C* a,*(Np-No) + a.*(Ep-Eo) + a,*(Hp-Ho) = Py? (Np,Ep,Hp) 
a,*(Np-No) + a,* (Ep-Eo) + a,* (Hp-Ho) 
Where Px, Py" denote the projective operators. 
In many applications, systematic image deformations are 
present. These are image deformations, which are 
dependent on the position of the image point and repeat 
from image to image. The physical causes of these 
deformations are atmospheric refraction, optical 
aberration and deformation of the filmbase during 

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