Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

The nodes are numbered following the next 
order of the sets of the partition 
Ki, ecc (Ep; KC,1,; 9 e , KC,/2,17 .... ‚KC1,10g(r) 
where log(r) is log, . 
First partition. 
During this step, a partition of V into 
(K4,K5, ,Ky,I) is determined such that 
an edge connecting two nodes belonging to 
two different Kj , Ky, (k,h-1..r and k # 
h) doesn' t exist. 
Definition 1.2. Given a graph G-(V,E), 
we define "first partition" of V the sets 
(Ky, Ky, rKn:1)50 that 
1) (Kı,K2, ‚Kn-I) is a partition of V 
2) not 3 (n;,n,)eE and k,h-1..r, kzh, 
so that: n;eK,, n,eK, 
The effects in terms of the structure of 
the matrix A, are visible in figure 3. 
Figure 3 
The restriction produced by the definition 
1.2 is obvious: the request that there 
isn't an edge that connects two nodes 
belonging to two different sets K; and Ky 
produces a diagonal of blocks; in fact, 
there aren' t equations between 
corresponding variables and so, over and 
under each K, diagonal block all matrix 
coefficients are zero. Block I, on the 
right side, gathers the equations related 
to those edges which connect one node of I 
and one of K; (the part away all diagonals 
blocks), or two nodes of I (the part below 
Second partition. 
During the second step, the matrix block I 
is also structured in some way. The idea 
is to locate a partition into the set I. A 
good way, particularly favourable for the 
QR decomposition method, is to transform 
this block "into diagonals of blocks 
placed side by side. We don' t explain the 
reasons of this conjecture because it 
would be necessary to known how OR 
factorization transforms the structured 
matrix A in the triangular form R. 
Definition 1.3 Given the first partition 
(K4,K5, Enr!) Of V, we define "second 
partition" the sets: 
Ki; 6 Ka BCL 1474 BC 2 11 ++ RC, Yog(r) 
so that: 
- V nj£KCp k ke1..log,(r), h«1..20c7D 
—- V n,eK 
the edge (n;,n;) 
belongs to E and 
p = int( (p-1)/2* ) #1 
where the function int() returns the value 
truncated to the integer part of the 
division. In terms of matrix structure, 
the consequence of this definition is 
visible in the figure 4. On the right side 
of the first diagonal of blocks, obtained 
at the previous step, there are log,r new 
diagonals in which the number of blocks 
halves proceeding to the right side. 
Figure 4 
El lf 
Note that the lower part of the matrix is 
a block triangular; actually, this 
definition is misleaded. Now, having a 
look at figure 11, where the structure of 
the matrix relative to the experiment 
discussed at the end of this paper, is 
reported. The lower part of the matrix is 
similar, although not equal, to the upper 
one; to discriminate there are the few 
blocks (bad blocks) not present in the 
right matrix of the figure 11. During QR 
factorization these blocks produce very 
bad effects increasing the costs (flops 
and memory); if possible, the best thing 
to do is to eliminate them ensuring a 
repetition of the upper structure into the 
lower part too (compatibility of blocks 
Bad blocks can be eliminated simply 
shifting on the right side, to a greater 
level, some nodes. This operation can be 
made only when the second partition is 
determined; in the same way, the second 
partition can be done when the first one 
is completed. It' s sufficient to scan all 
the nodes belonging to KC,,, and to verify 
if they produce a 'bad' block; in this 
case, the node must be moved to an 
appropriate block of major level. In order 
to make this process working correctly, 
it' s important for the scan operation to 
proceed from the first to the last level; 
so, transfering nodes to an upper level 
doesn' t damage previous block diagonal 
structure. The only consequence is that 
the blocks of the last level become larger 
and larger. As this blocks are sparse and 
have got great dimension, this effect is 
unpleasant. If a lot of nodes should be 
moved, some blocks can disappear and the 
level structure may become more deficient. 
At the end, the coefficient matrix, so 
structured, assumes the form reported in 
the figure 5. 

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