Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Edge following can be extended to the stereo-pair as 
well. As our road images are very close to normal case, we 
basically have to match the same lines of the two images 
and directly compute an intersection to get the position on 
the ground. 
Figure 5: Tracking edges through a sequence of images. 
A variation of this procedure is to track edges through a 
sequence of images (figure 5). In this case, we select a 
horizontal line in the first image and compare it to the same 
position in the next image. This means that the y- 
coordinates (horizontal scan lines) of the two points are 
identical. One can assume that the x-coordinate does not 
change very much, especially, if the GPS-Van is moving on 
relatively straight highways and does not change lanes. 
A merit of the least squares procedure is the capability 
of adding constraints to make it more robust. In our case, 
we can predict the position of the edge by the knowledge of 
previously matched points. We assume that all edge points 
are on a smooth line, which can be represented by a 
polynomial function in object space. This helps to bridge 
over areas of low contrast or other disturbances, such as 
shadows or different layers of asphalt on the road surfaces. 
These constraints could be defined in image space or in 
object space. Figure 6 shows the results of tracing the road 
edges our image sequence. One can see that the line 
exactly corresponds to the marked edge-line on the asphalt, 
and that the procedure stops when the road begins to bend. 
Figure 6: Road edges detected by line following in the 
digital images. 
The algorithms described in this chapter were 
specifically developed for detecting vertical, linear bright 
objects in digital imagery. They evolved from techniques 
originally implemented to detect road edges (see chapter 3). 
Their major application is the automatic recognition and 
identification of milemarkers from image-pairs of railroad 
tracks. This procedure consists of three steps: the 
detection of mile-marker candidates by a horizontal edge- 
detector, the tracing of the vertical edges of the mile- 
marker candidates to identify their outlines, and the 
extraction of the log-mile number. 
5.1 Finding Mile-Marker Candidates 
We assume that the image is displayed upright on the 
computer screen. For each line of the digital image a one- 
dimensional (horizontal) edge extraction is performed, 
which detects close to vertical contrasts of dark and bright 
pixels. The mile-marker typically is brighter than the 
background; as this is only true in the lower part of the 
images, where the background would be grass or soil, the 
bottom of the mile-markers can be detected in a reliable 
way. In the upper part of the images the background is 
mostly sky, which is sometimes brighter than the mile- 
marker itself. Here the second step of the procedure takes 
We use a gradient based operator, which computes the 
averages and standard deviations of short horizontal 
windows. If the standard deviation becomes larger and the 
average varies significantly, the image contrast changes 
from dark to bright, or the other way around. This is the 
type of edge we want to detect (bright object, dark 
background). With this technique we can segment each 
scan-line in background (dark) and object (bright) areas. 
As a result we obtain white patches in the image, which 
are the mile-marker candidates, however, many of them are 
of completely different form than the real monument. Now 
the small patches (defined by the number of pixels) are 
eliminated, and only those are kept that have a long vertical 
and short horizontal dimension. These candidates are used 
as approximations for the next step. 
5.2 Edge Following 
Beginning at the edges detected in 5.1 a Sobel operator 
is applied to a small area around the approximate edge in 
the gray scale image. By this function the edges are located 
more accurately. Two edge points are found in each scan- 
line. The distance between these edges determines the 
width of the mile-marker in the digital image. The left and 
right gray values at each edge are checked; inner and outer 
gray values must be consistent, which means that a gray 
value inside the object must be brighter than the one on the 
outside of the detected edge (figure 7). Starting at this line, 
the edges are traced upwards, always checking the width of 
the mile-marker and its color (average gray-value), in order 
to obtain a consistent edge up to the top. This edge tracing 
technique yields very reliable results, even at the top of the 
mile-markers, where the contrast against the sky is usually 

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