Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

On the geometrical side, for example, simplifying con- 
straints ask for smooth surfaces, without steep height 
variations or discontinuties. This exludes the applicability 
within urban areas, forests, slopes and so on. Expan- 
ding the geometric model to the incorporation of discon- 
tinuities therefore would lead to higher flexibility and, 
hopefully, greater accuracy within these regions. 
This expectation might be met, if the information neces- 
sary for the consideration of the more complex geometry 
can be extracted from the image and object data and 
accordingly is incorporated into the geometric model. 
To match that aim the algorithmic performance has to 
1. a flexible geometrical set up tuned by additio- 
nal informations extracted from the available 
2. some rudimentary interpretative capability to 
evaluate the data characteristics and to link 
them to the shape of the surface. 
The presented algorithm will give a contribution in that 
First, the geometrical model will be explained, then 
possibilities to extract additional informations will be 
sketched and finally, some first test results are shown. 
Some thoughts to the current state of algorithms 
The scenario of algorithms, accomplishing the identifica- 
tion and localization of homologeous image areas is as 
manifold as the scale of possible applications and 
motivations. In order to keep the considerations transpa- 
rent they will be restricted here to the determination of 
topographic surfaces. 
With regard to the processing of the image data, the 
kind of point determination and the assumptions concer- 
ning the surface geometry we find three different types 
of solutions: 
4. Image correlation 
2. Least squares matching 
3. Feature based matching 
To characterise the algorithms the following aspects 
might be useful: 
Image correlation: Uses the original image data to calcu- 
late a similarity value, has an iterative structure 
calculating point by point, allows the incorpora- 
tion of geometric distortions as far as they are 
known and modelled (piecewise bilinear surfa- 
ce parts, for example)/Boochs 1987/ 
Least squares matching: Uses the original image data 
as measurements within a least sqaures ad- 
justment, allows modelling of image radiome- 
try, is a direct solution, considers geometric 
distortions as part of the deterministic model 
(in general: piecewiese bilinear surface parts) 
and allows extended set ups or constraints 
(combined point determination, regularizations 
etc.)/Ebner,Heipke 1988, Krzystek 1991, 
Wrobel 1987/ 
Feature based matching: Uses the original image data 
to derive feature values characterising image 
points and their neighborhood, determines the 
correspondence between the points in both 
images, needs no geometric model. 
/Fôrstner 1986/ 
Considering preprocessing and transformation capabili- 
ties there are some further, common steps possible (the 
use of image pyramids, for example). 
With respect to functionality and results the solutions 
have different attributes like: 
Image correlation: produces medium to high accuracy, 
needs not very precise start values, is applica- 
ble even in cases of low image contrast, does 
not provide internal accuracy estimates, does 
not allow the direct interference of the deter- 
mination of adjacent points. 
Least squares matching: gives results of high accuracy, 
needs precise start values, is more sensitive to 
low image contrast, gives internal accuracy 
estimates, allows the simultaneous determin- 
ation of a large number of points. 
Feature based matching: produces medium accuracy, 
opperates without start values, needs high and 
characteristic image contrast, produces irregu- 
lar distributed points, works even in cases of 
arbitrary object geometries. 
Due to the importance of the accuracy in geodetic appli- 
cations least squares solutions are preferred in general. 
Feature based matching may serve as tool for the calcu- 
lation of approximate values or is very useful if robust- 
ness is the most important attribute. 
Correlation algorithms range in between. The something 
lower accuracy and the lack of internal control capability 
are disadvantegeous. Nevertheless the simplicity of the 
functional set up, the flexibility in the algorithmic control 
and the individual calculations for each point are useful 
for extended geometric models and the incorporation of 
additional knowledge. The following concept therefore is 
founded on the image correlation technique. 
The concept of object space based correlation 
Two essential preconditions have to be met to garantee 
a succesful similarity measurement. The compared 
image areas have to be rectified and the albedo variati- 
ons within the corresponding object area have to provide 
sufficient image contrast. If one or both conditions are 
not given the calculation will fail or at least produce 
incorrect results. 
In addition to the attempt to overcome such problems by 
improving the rectification in order to reduce geometric 
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