Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

continuation of linear features between neighbour- 
ing parallel lines, the reliability can be 
increased still more [Lo,1989]. The extracted 
corresponding linear features pairs can be used to 
generate coarse DEM, the major requirement of 
generating coarse DEM with high reliability is 
3.3 Refinement of Coarse DEM Data by Object Space 
Least Squares Matching 
3.3.1 The Illumination and Reflection Model for 
facet stereo matching There are three major 
phenomena of the reflection : Ambient reflection, 
Diffuse  (Lambertian) reflection and  Specular 
(Mirror) reflection. It describes the relation- 
ship of reflected radiance of a small facet of the 
surface, the specific viewing direction, the com- 
plex illumination of the scene and light reflect- 
ing properties of the material. (Weisensee,1988) 
proposed three models of light reflection which 
can be used for Object Space Least Squares Match- 
ing, they are derived from general model as fol- 
La Lp Pa lm GI: B.) dw, (SR * d* R4) a 
Lp : the reflected radiance cause by incident 
radiance of illumination 
Lyar Ra? the ambient component from half space L,, 
and the semi-spatial reflectance R, 
E,Ly, : N light sources having irradiance L;, 
N : the surface normal 
Ba : the direction to light source n 
dw, : the apparent solid angle of incident 
radiance from a particular light source 
R,,d : the diffuse reflectance R, and its fraction 
of proportion for diffuse reflectance 
RS : the specular reflectance R, and its frac- 
tion of proportion for specular 
In our case, we can assume that there is only one 
light source (n=1,the sun) to be considered. The 
amount of light reflection which independently 
with the viewing direction is : 
Log ® Ly,°R, * Pp NB )°dw,°d°Ry 
Rd (2) 
the specular Component which is rare exist and can 
be omitted is: 
La, 7 bp (NB ):dwp S: R, 
Rs (3) 
the relationship between recorded intensity Gi of 
discrete pixel i by the sensor and the reflected 
radiance from the terrain surface can be a linear 
G. = 
i a + b° Led 
if the terrain surface is perfect ambient reflec- 
tion, the first reflection model can be: 
6," 8, * 5; b (5) 
D, is the reflected radiance of facet i, if the 
terrain surface is assumed as perfect Lambertian 
reflectance, the second model is: 
G,= a;t b;:cos(N:B): D; = a+ b;:cos6,: Di (6) 
the third model: 
G, = a; + b. . D, (7) 
results from applying the transformation (4) to 
facets instead of windows. It means a. is still 
valid for window j, the b, applies to bilinear 
height/reflection facet k respectively. 
3.3.2 The principle of Object Space Least 
Squares Matching Back mapping of image data into 
object space to get object reflectance D(x,y) 
(image inversion) by referring the object surface 
Z(x,y) which is approximate at the beginning, and 
perform matching on the object surface. It simul- 
taneously determines two functions in the object 
space: the terrain relief Z(x,y) and the terrain 
reflectance D(x,y) with Least Squares Adjustment 
iteratively [Wrobel,1988] [Helava,1988] [Ebner & 
Heipke,1988] [Heipke,1990]. By this way, the 
digital image matching, DEM generation and ortho- 
photo computation have been combined into one 
The main principle of Object Space Least Squares 
Matching is as follows: 
The basic Observation Equation of every pixel 
within the patch for matching by the Least Squares 
Adjustment is: 
= 5 
*^cos0 - D( Z, K, L, À) (8) 
noise or residual error in intensity 
the unknown intensity value assigned to 
one groundel 
the angle between the surface normal and 
the direction of sun 
back mapping the image intensity value of 
corresponding pixel to the groundel. 
the heights of N x M grid points (DEM) to 
represent the terrain surface Z(X,Y) which 
can offer the height in any position by 
bilinear interpolation. 
orientation parameters of the sensor 
illumination model 
object reflectance model 
a) The influence of L & R can be simplified by 
local linear radiometric correction with offset 51 
and gain 82 (But not for close range photogramme- 
try and large scale photo). Therefore, (8) can 
© << 
v = D * cos0 - á1 - 82 * D(Z,Ä) (9) 
For the patch of first image, $1 and 52 can be 
assumed as constant, they are unknowns for the 
patch of second, third and further images. 
Transfer in A.T., Í and A are 
unknowns also, expanding the nonlinear part 
(32 * D(É,Á)) of (9) to linear increments from 
approximate values: ( $1 , 52), = ( O ,1 ), we 
b) For Point 
B * cos0 - ái - $2, * D(Z,A), - 82 * 
[(8D/8£), af -(8D/GÁ), a] -?p(£,Kj, a&2 
v = 
coefficients indexed by o are calculated with 
estimated values which will be updated during 
iteration. Expanding the coefficient (0D/0£Í), 
(89D/83Á), of the design matrix: 
(09D/8f), - (0D/Ox .Ox/0Í) + (80D/Oy .0y/05), (11) 
(0D/8Á), - (9D/8x .Ox/0K),* (0D/Oy -9y/8K), (12) 
Because O0D/Ox and 8D/8y represent the gradient of 
the intensity, it can be used for a quality esti- 
mation (selection), and provide the different 
weights accordingly in Least Squares Adjustment. 
c) In case of DEM generation after A.T.. The 
orientation parameters of sensor A are known 
already. Therefore, the observation equation for 
each pixel within the matching patch is: 
B * cos0 - 81 - 82, * D(É,A), - 82, * 
(@n/a%), a - p(£,R), p82 
v = 
If we want to obtain DEM Z(X,Y) only, the unknown 
D can be eliminated (Reduced Normal Equation) 
during the inversion of the normal equation to 
save calculation time. 
3.3.3 The characteristics of Object Space Least 
Squares Matching 
a) We perform the matching in Object Space instead 
of in Image Space, because the disadvantage of 
matching in image space would be that the multi 
view image of the same object would have different 
intensity or shape caused by different relief 
displacement / tilt displacement / different 
illumination situation / different reflection 
effects from different positions of the sensor 
relating to different relief of object etc., 
resulting in matching failure or poor accuracy. 
b) High accuracy can be achieved by using the 
Minimum Cost Matching which is based on the Theory 
of Minimum Cost Sequence of Error Transformation. 
This method may select the Minimum Euclidean 

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