Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Table 1 Categories and Clusters 
categories clusters 
Major selected category test site category | Supervised | Number | Percent. Dist. 
coniferous tree coniferous tree, 3 7 5 4 
TREE broad leaved tree broad leaved tree, 9 4 4 3 
mixed tree mixed tree, bamboo 4 3 5 7 
shadow orchard, etc, 2 2 2 2 
PADDY paddy paddy 10 1 1 10 8 
city area concrete, factory, 6 4 2 3 
URBAN house area building, railway, 6 11 13 1.1 
factory house, urban, etc "7 8 8 7 
WATER sea sea, river, 2 2 2 
river pool, pond 1 1 1 2 
farm farm, vinyl house, 1 6 6 6 
OTHER grass land ground, grassland, 10 4 4 3 
ground lawn, gravel,sand, 5 3 3 8 
sand area ordered land, etc 0 0 1 0 
5 14 44 66 66 66 66 
Table 2 Classification Accuracies unit: X 
(occupation Rate) (6.893) (3.6%) (49.93) (5.0%) (28.7%) Mean Mean 
Max. Number 55.9 58.3 84.4 51.7 26.6 61.7 55.4 
Max. Percentage 48.1 61.7 75.9 51.7 35.6 59.9 54.6 
Min. Distance 47.5 48.9 85.6 67.8 32.7 63.4 55.5 
Element Ratio 33.8 51.5 91.2 58.3 33.6 65.4 53.7 
Supervised 46.2 56.3 78.0 67.8 46.4 64.2 58.9 

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