Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Nabiyev Alpasha Alibek 
Baku State University 
Geographical Faculty 
370145 ,Baku,Z2.Halilov Street,23 
The investigation of the vertical structu- 
pe of the landscapes of mountainious con- 
tries wan the subjecktof the research of 
R.A.Elinevsky (1968),1.S9,Shukin and O.E. 
Shukina (1959),B.I.Alekseev and E.N.Luka- 
shov (1969),G.P.Miller (1974) and others. 
With the aim of the defining the regularis 
ties distribution of (quantitative) data 
of the landscape structure on the gypso- 
metrical levels of the relief the gypso- 
metric map of the territory of the Cauca- 
sis Minor and the large-scale landscape 
map of the Caucasis Minor composed by 
prof .M.A.Myseibov and M.A.Suleymanov(1975, 
1981) had been used by us applied quanti=- 
tive data the landscape structure were as 
1.Areasof the individual uruchish in squ- 
are km, where - Si 
2.The average . arithmetical numbers 
of conturs: Suz == S; Me ^L S S; 
2,The general entfopy: £ == 
where A -number of Mr S eser 
4.Maximal entropy: Hp Cog, w 
where WW -number of individual conturs; 
5,Relative entropy+/#=(Hm-Hg) / He; 
Ge 2 square declination: 
à=1$ (Se—Sa2)/(N-1}7 
7. coefficient of variation: 
Cv=0/ Sex 
8.Limits of the squares of the individual 
contures of landscape group in square km. 
9.The number of individual conturs-A 
40. Conf A of landscapic unhomogenic: 
KS S uo m;/Ch. 
mere is <i, 12 =8j HOO Ye / NV 
Y -is the square of several genetical 
groups of landscapes(urochish) in the lo- 
cal zones; 2 =-number of genetical group 
of landscapes(urochish) C= & nuniber of 
addition from the quantity of pairs. On 
the basis of above-mentioned data the for- 
tran-program on the computer US-1025 was 
composed catalogizing on the packet of 
discos 5261 with the serial number "GEO 
LAN" had been done and for output data on 
the packet the continuous complex of data 
"BSLAN" was created.For conducting the 
calculation of the data the task in US of 
UC of 6.1 version had been composed by us. 
Results of calculations had been given in 
the table ^1. 
Table 1. 
aypsomet- The quantitive data of the 
rical le- landscape structure 
H(m) 4 2 2 4 5 
4.Till 200 1769 19.45 5,30 6:52 0.48 
2.200 -400 3766 19,71 6.60 7.58 0.13 
4,600 -1000 2858 8.69 7.65 8.256 0.09 
5,1000-1400 2400 6.08 8.02 8.63% 0.07 
61400-1800 2416 5.82 8.16 8.70 0.06 
7.1800-2200 1543 5.53 7.53 8.13 0.07 
8.2200-2600 928 5.69 6.70 7.35 0.09 
9.2600-3000 771 5.59 6.60 7.11 0.07 
10, 3000-3400 431 5.13 5.82 6.39 0.09 
11. 3400-ebav 6 3.00 0.92 1.00 0.09 
On the basis of the received results one 
may come to the following results: 1.With 
encrease of the hight of the place the 
average amount of the squares of the indi- 
vidual group of landscapes; 
2«The change nage of the general entropy 
according to the relief is similar to the 
change of the square of the hypsometrical 
level as the both data in the middle mo- 
untain recieve maximal amount; 3.Maximal 
entropy also gets its maximum in the mid- 
dle mountain, 4.The amount of the middle 
Square declination gradually decreases 
with the increase of the hizht of the 
place; 5.In the distribution of the coef- 
ficient of the variation the decrease on 
the hight of the relief is also abserved. 
6.Limits of the squares of conturs are 
characterised by the accidental variation 
7.Distribution of the quantities of con- 
turs are similar to the distribution of the 
the amount of the squares of the conturs 
and the general entropy.8.Coefficients of 
the landscape unhomogeniosity are not re- 
gulary distributed according to the hight 
of the relief. 
Results of the conducted investigations 
can be used while doing the meliorative 
works in the mountainian and pre-mountai- 

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