Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

observations with zero weight and calculated MCCVi in 
Table 1. 
Point | P=I | 8.2.56] 8£5,2.88|P.: z,88,P …w=-.05] Pas =,36 
| | P, =P, =0| Ps =P;,=0| p, *P;70]| p, 2P470| p, zP.z0 
| | |-- | | 
1 4.801 | | | | 
2 1.071 04° | | | | 
3. | 411: 34. 1 | | | 
4 | .65 | | | .30 "4 .65 À 
5 | 54 | [ 30 | | | 
6 | 36 | | | | | 33 
71-1 .78 1 | | 935 1 | 
8 1.79] r 0 | | | 
9 1.941 | | | + 28 
10 | .84 | | | | 83 1 
From Table 1, one may find that when correlation 
coefficient of residuals is increased the main component 
coefficient of standardized residual will be decreased. 
4.2.2 The Weighted Zero Residual and Standardized 
Residual When Observations without Gross Error We take 
design matrix A, error vector E, different weight matrix 
P and calculated results listed in Table 2. 
Example 1 | Example 2 
Point v V € plv V € p 
1 1.9 717 81. 11] 1.1 -2.1. —971. 1 
2 go 71.8. —399 1| 1.8 3.6 ~.39 1 
3 2.1 16.0; 1.5 0j 1.0 -7.8 . 1.5 0 
4 2.1. z17.0 -.581. 01 1.0 2.6 —.51 Q0 
5 oii = A 44. 1] „x. 1.4 Jd4 | 
6 „7: - 6.6 9... 4 1. 1.0 -9.8 .08 0 
7 2.2. .-17.1., -.87 9| 2.1 $.—16.4 -.81 | 
8 o3 4-9. 17 2 =" 4 -.15 À 
9 1:0 2-1 2.11 11 2.1 3.1 . 2.11 1 
10 .8 8 *.19 lt 1.9 '-1.9 -.15 1 
From Table 2, we find that even observations do not 
contain any gross error, the magnitude of some weighted 
zero residual is still large. However the magnitude of 
standardized residual always is not too large. Therefore 
using weighted zero residual as statistical quantity may 
be possible to get wrong decision about localizing gross 
The approximate expressions of Qvv.P matrix are power 
tools for discussion of gross errors localization. The 
fast recursive algorithm to be calculated Qvv.P matrix 
would be very helpful using standardized residuals as 
statistical quantity for statistical test in every 
iteration. One should be careful about the limitation of 
the fast recursive algorithm in practical adjustment. 
From the analysis of the properties about correlation of 
residuals and weighted zero residual. We not only have 
to further improve the weight function but also have to 
from the strategical point review investigate about 
gross errors location. 
Shan Jie, 1988. A fast recursive algorithm for 
repeated computation of the reliability matrix Qvv.P. 
Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica. vol. 17, 
No. 4 : 269-227. 
Stefanovic, P., 1985. Error treatment in photogra- 
mmetric digital techniques. ITC Journal. 1985-2.: 
Wang Zhizhuo, Theory of gross error detection. 
Photogrammetric principle (with remote sensing) 
Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping, Bejing, May 
1990. chapter 17 : 196-217. 
Wang Renxiang, 1986a. Studies on weight function for 
robust iterations. Acta Geodetica et Cartographica 
Sinica. vol. 15, No. 2 : 91-101. 
Wang Renxiang, 1988b. Theoretical capacity and 
limitations of localizing gross errors by robust 
adjustment.  ISPRS, Kyoto, Commission III, July, 1988. 
Wang Renxiang, 1989c. Effects of parameters of weihgt 
function for the iterated weighted least squares 
adjustment. Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica. 
1989/1 (English version). (Special issue of siminar on 
the Wang Zhizuo's academic thinking) 86-96.

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