Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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3.4 Fuzzy Database Query Using Membership 
Functions Based on the Fuzzy Geometrical 
In order to show the usefulness of the constructed membership 
functions in fuzzy query processing the new method was tested 
on a simulated database to determine value of the complex query 
objects "much greater than 5 and much less than 40" (Figure 
10) and "slightly less than 5 or slightly more than 5 and 
roughly equal to 5" (Figure 11). 
It must be noted that these kinds of queries cannot, in general, 
be solved by conventional database management systems 
because they require the interpretation of the fuzzy expressions 
"much greater than 5", "much less than 5", "slightly less than 
5", "slightly more than 5", and "roughly equal to 5". However 
using a fuzzy query processor the membership functions for 
these fuzzy expressions can be constructed and used as the 
basis for selecting valid database objects. 
0.8 4 
0.6 4 
0.4 4 
0.2 4 
0.0 y : a 
0 10 20 30 
— >>5 
««30 ee CS 30 and >> 5 
Figure 10: Selection of database values for the fuzzy 
query much more than 5 and much less than 40 
based on non-zero membership values. 
- L 
Z  08- 
a ] 
$ 064 
a 4 
2 0.44 
u 4 
0.0 pkey 
3 4 5 6 7 
SLI > MFUN slightly greater than 5 
SL : M.FUN slightly less than 5 
ROUGHLY MFUN;2 TOughly equal to 5 
Figure 11: Fuzzy query selection for slightly less than 5 
or slightly more than and roughly equal to 5 using 
the intersection of the membership functions of the fuzzy 
query components. 
The selection of database objects satisfying complex fuzzy 
queries corresponds to the intersection of the fuzzy membership 
functions as shown graphically in Figures 10 and 11 for the 
fuzzy queries discussed above. In fuzzy sets literature the 
process of determining the (crisp) object satisfying the condition 
set out by the fuzzy sets intersection is referred to as 
defuzzification. One defuzzification strategy involves selection 
of the object corresponding to the centroid of the intersected 
In General once the fuzzy membership functions are available 
standard fuzzy set theoretic operators can be used to solve the 
fuzzy query (see Kandel, 1986; Magrez and Smets, 1989; 
Zadeh, 1989). 
A new method for representing and manipulating fuzzy 
information has been formulated and tested. It has been amply 
illustrated in the paper that this method differs substantially 
from the traditional approach of representing fuzzy linguistic 
variables. In particular this method makes it possible to define 
the meaning of fuzzy numerical restrictions in the domain of 
discourse by fuzzy geometric partitions of the search space. 
By means of geometric fuzzy partitions generic values of 
fuzzy numerical expressions can be constructed and used to 
facilitate comparison of fuzzy objects for database retrieval 
purposes. Alternatively it has been shown that geometric fuzzy 
partitions can form the basis for constructing reasonable 
membership functions for characterizing fuzzy numeric 
The usefulness of fuzzy membership functions generated from 
fuzzy geometric partitions in fuzzy query processing was 
illustrated for a model database. In addition a fuzzy comparison 
operator based on the fuzzy geometrical partitioning of the 
search space was designed and implemented in an experimental 
knowledge based system. 
Chen, S. (1985). "Ranking fuzzy numbers with maximizing set 
and minimizing set," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.17, No.2, 
pp. 113-129. 
Civanlar, M.R.; H.J. Trusell(1986). "Constructing membership 
functions using statistical data," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 18 
(1986) 1-13. 
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Science. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London, 
Dubois D.; H. Prade (1980). Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory 
and Applications, Academic Press, N.Y., London. Academic 
Press, N.Y., London. 
Dubois D.; H. Prade (1988). Possibility theory: An Approach 
to Computerized Processing of Uncertainty, Trans. by E.F. 
Harding, Plenum Press, N.Y. London. 
Dubois D.; H. Prade (1989). "Processing fuzzy temporal 
knowledge," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and 
Cybernetics, Vol.19, No.4, July/Aug., pp.729-743. 
Kandel, A. (1986). Fuzzy Mathematical Techniques With. 
Applications, Adison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, 
Kaufmann, A. (1975). "Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy relations," In: 
A. Kaufmann Introduction to the Theory of Fuzzy Subsets: 
Fundamental Theoretical Elements, Vol. I, Academic Press, 
N.Y. San Fransisco, London. 
Kaufmann, A.; M.M. Gupta (1988). Fuzzy Mathematical 
Models in Engineering and Management Science, Elsevier 
Science Publishers, North-Holland, Amsterdam, N.Y. 
Klir, G.J.; T.A. Folger (1988). Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty and 
Information, Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, N.J. 
Magrez, P.; P. Smelt (1989). "Fuzzy modus ponens: A new 
model suitable for applications in knowledge-based systems," 
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4 pp. 181- 

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