the subsequent level of resolution, and warping the left and
right images with respect to the interpolated surface. The
whole process is repeated until the final refined surface is
reached. At each level, images are rectified, the matching
accuracy and reliability are improved, and a better surface
representation is obtained. At the last level, the matching
vectors vanish, the warped images become orthophotos, and
the true surface is reconstructed.
From this overview, it is clear that one of the objectives
of surface interpolation is to construct as a realistic surface
representation as possible. This task is crucial for the success
of matching on subsequent levels. The search for a match is
performed by centering a correlation window over a point of
a zero-crossing contour in one image. On the other image,
the search window is placed and shaped according to the
expected depth range in that area (Schenk & Toth, 1991).
The other goal of the surface interpolation is to provide in-
formation for the surface analysis. It is important that the
interpolator does not introduce new characteristics to the
surface other than what is derived from the observations.
Creating new maxima or minima in the surface is an exam-
ple for undesired side effects of interpolation. Additionally,
the surface interpolator should not smear essential surface
shape characteristics. Such a situation may occur when a
smooth surface is interpolated over observations on break
The problem of surface fitting consists of taking a region
containing a list of function values, and finding a function
on this region that agrees with the data to some extent and
behaves reasonably between data points (Lancaster & Salka-
uskas, 1986). The accuracy that can be obtained from a
fitting process depends on the density and the distribution
of the reference points, and the method. Data points are
arranged in various distribution patterns and densities. Ac-
cordingly, surface fitting methods designed for one case differ
from those designed for dealing with other distribution pat-
There are several criteria for classifying surface fitting meth-
ods. The first criterion is the closeness of fit of the result-
ing representation to the original data. Thereby, a fitting
method can be either an interpolation or an approximation.
Interpolation methods fit a surface that passes through all
data points. Approximation methods construct a surface
that passes near data points and minimizes, at the same
time, the difference between the observed and the interpo-
lated values.
Another criterion is the extent of support of the surface fit-
ting method; a method is classified as a global or a local one.
In the global approach, the resulting surface representation
incorporates all data points to derive the unknown coeffi-
cients of the function. By doing so, some of the local details
submerge in the overall surface, and editing one point affects
all distinct points. With local methods, the value of the con-
structed surface at a point considers only data at relatively
nearby points. Thus, the resulting surface emphasizes the
small-scale trends in the data (Watson, 1992). Many global
schemes can be made local by partitioning the original do-
main into subdomains.
Yet another criterion for classifying interpolation methods
is their mathematical models. Surface interpolation meth-
ods are divided into three main classes; weighted average
methods, interpolation by polynomials, and interpolation by
3.1 Weighted average methods
These methods use a direct summation of the data at each
interpolation point. The value of the surface at a non-data
point is obtained as a weighted average of all data points.
The weight is inversely proportional to the distance r;. Shep-
ard’s method may serve as an example. Here, the value of a
point is evaluated as
N , Fir? sy 1/75, when 7; #0,
f(z,y) = (1)
F when r; = 0.
Weighted average methods are suitable for interpolating a
surface from arbitrarily distributed data. However, one
drawback is the large amount of calculations, especially for
many data points. To overcome this problem, the method
is modified into a local version. A smaller subset of data is
selected for each non-data point based on a fixed number of
points, or a fixed area. The problem now is to define proper
parameters (e.g. the variable u in equation (1)).
3.2 Interpolation by polynomials
A polynomial p is a function defined in one dimension for all
real numbers æ by
p(z) — ao -F a2 4 -F ay iz" + anz”, (2)
where N is a non-negative integer and ao,...,aw are fixed
real numbers. Generally, fitting a surface by polynomials
proceeds in two steps. The first one is the determination of
the coefficients of the polynomial based on the set of data
points and the criteria controlling the fit of the polynomial
function. Then, using the computed parameters, the second
phase evaluates the polynomial to obtain values of the fitted
surface at given locations.
Piecewise polynomials are the local version for surface fitting
with polynomials. This approach works well with irregularly
spaced data. The general procedure for surface fitting with
piecewise polynomials consists of the following operations:
1. partitioning the surface into patches of triangular or
rectangular shape, the vertices of which are the refer-
ence points.
2. fitting locally a leveled, tilted, or second-degree plane
at each patch, using one or more terms of the polyno-
3. solving the unknown parameters of the polynomial. To
enforce continuity (and smoothness) along the joining
sides of neighboring patches, partial derivatives must
have been estimated at each reference point.
Least squares fitting by polynomials performs well if many
points are available and the surface has fairly simple form
(Hayes, 1987). On the other hand, interpolation by poly-
nomials with scattered data causes serious difficulties, one
of which is a singular system of equations due to data dis-
tribution (e.g. data lie on a line). Another problem is an
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