Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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to solve is first to find a suited radiometric transformation 
between the orthoimages to eliminate systematic differences 
in the intensities which result from physical aspects of im- 
age formation. Secondly, if the systematic effects are elim- 
inated, the resulting differences in the intensities can be 
tested. Those pixels where significant differences are indi- 
cated can be grouped together (applying region growing and 
closing to fill small gaps), so that the location of this dis- 
crepant regions in the orthoimages and with them in the 
DTM is found. Assumed to be given two digital (aerial) 
intensity images together with the complete interior and ex- 
terior orientation, and a digital terrain model. The first we 
do is to compute orthophotos from each of the two images 
individually thereby taking the same regular lattice. In con- 
sequence the geometrical prerequisites for comparing pixels 
are fulfilled. The differential resampling is done for each or- 
thophoto pixel individually by computing the corresponding 
position in the aerial image and resampling with the sinc- 
function. That this involves great expense is quite clear. 
But for the experimental investigations we want to avoid 
approximations in this first step. 
The procedures which we explore for localization of discrep- 
ancies consist of radiometric transformation models between 
the stereo orthoimages and thresholding. The intensities of 
the orthoimages 1 and 2 are denoted by O,(r,c) and O,(r, c), 
respectively. For model A we assume linear regression with 
radiometric scale and shift parameter according to 
A: Oi(r,c) + e(r, c) 2 àOx(r, c) b. 
The adjustment with two parameters allows to compensate 
only global differences between the intensities if the images. 
This model does not differ from a direct subtraction proce- 
dure significantly. 
For model B we assume that the intensity differences between 
the stereo orthophotos can be described by a finite element 
(FE) model, which we formulate by 
B: Oi(r,c) F&(r,c) = Ô(r,c) 
Ox(r,c)-Fer,c) - Ót(r,c 
The adjusted *parameters" Ó(r,c) differ from orthoimage 
O, by the estimated residuals, which reflect noise if model B 
is true. The grid spacing of the adjusted difference surface 
C(m,n) between O; and O, is a multiple of the grid spac- 
ing of the orthophoto lattice. The finite elements of C are 
facets with bilinear surfaces, i. e., all orthoimage pixels {7,¢) 
contribute according to their weights in the bilinear interpo- 
lation operator a(r,c, m,n) to the determination of C. The 
individual facets are connected to the neighbouring facets by 
joint edges and identical node values Ó(i, k). In comparison 
with model A the FE-model is more flexible because the sur- 
face C is able to follow the differences between O; and O, up 
to a certain degree. The formulation of radiometric surface 
models has e. g. also been proposed by Wrobel (1988) in the 
context of DTM reconstruction and orthophoto generation 
from digital imagery. 
For the third procedure no explicit model for parameter esti- 
mation has to be formulated. The idea behind is quite differ- 
ent from A and B. We propose working with image pyramids 
(r,c) + a(r,c,m,n) C(m,n) . 
applied to the orthophotos. In consequence the construction 
of orthophoto pyramids is the first step. For that purpose 
the images are smoothed with a Gaussian filter with radius 1 
and resampled to obtain the next level of the pyramid. The 
resampling operation reduces the number of pixels by the 
factor 2 x 2 to 1 which fits to the Gaussian diameter of 2 
pixels. In this way the pyramid is generated. We count the 
levels from the bottom to the top, i. e. level 0 of the pyramid 
bears the original image and level n is the coarsest represen- 
tation level for the image information. To get an idea on a 
variety of applications which use image pyramids refer e. g. 
to Ackermann and Hahn (1991) and Rosenfeld (1984). 
From each of the stereo orthophotos an image pyramid can 
be constructed. Computing the differences between the pyra- 
mids for all levels gives a difference orthophoto pyramid 
(DOP). On the coarser levels of this DOP low frequent infor- 
mation is represented which matches with global differences 
between the orthophotos. Because inconsistencies between 
the DTM and the real world geometry are of local nature 
(if not, then this DTM appears not to be a suited model 
to represent the surfaces of the corresponding world), this 
local differences will be mixed with the global ones. So it 
suggests itself to eliminate the coarse level differences from 
the information of the next refinement level. This procedure 
we formulate by 
C calculate DOP; for all levels i 
eliminate DOP, from the current level k — 1: 
DOP, _, = DOP;., —- DOP, 
By this technique we get a bandpass copy of the intensity 
differences between the stereo orthophotos. Depending on 
the spatial extend, the discrepancies are expected to be in- 
dicated mainly on the first few levels of the bandpass copy. 
For all three models A,B,C the stochastic component, i. e. 
the noise in the orthoimage intensities, is assumed to be 
white Gaussian noise. 
In the models À and B the error terms e and the difference 
surface Ó, in model C the elements of the bandpass DOP 
are tested and thesholded. As described before it will be 
more convenient to visualize the discrepant regions rather 
than individual pixels. Therefore region growing should be 
applied as a final step. 
For the experimental investigations we pick up an image pair, 
which was used by Hahn and Fórstner (1988) to assess the 
quality of matching procedures applied for DTM reconstruc- 
tion. Though the radiometric differences in the intensities 
are considerable, as is convincingly shown in figure 1, with 
the matching algorithms a DTM precision of better than 0.2 
?6 of the flying height À was obtained in this project. For 
two other projects with less demanding surface geometry the 
precision was around 0.1 96 of h. For presentation of the 
results we chose two characteristic examples for each of the 
three procedures A,B,C described above. More examples are 
collected in Raifler (1991). 

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