Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

iral Ivanov A.N. 
associated professor of Moscow State Technical University, 
der Moscow, Russia, #158 
Abstract - Structure of neuron networks with 
ime different types of interconnections is described. 
Analitical method, based on nonlinear spectral 
na. representation of optical information is used to 
classify real signals and objects corresponding to 
them.The important idea of time evolution of 
of spectral parameters is then introduced and it is 
) shown that the problem of parallel signal processing 
, can be solved with the aid of large number of 
ing identical elements with nonlinear interconnections. 
Problems, connected with distortion and signal 
correction as well qualitatively discussed.It is 
investigated influence of losses along network on 
signal propagation.Main characteristics of nonlinear 
neuron network were marked out.2 D neuron networks 
with nonlinear interconnections for analysis of 
datas were investigated as well.Models of real 
neuronlike elements were  suggested.Their regimes 
were investigated,  simulating neurons with the aid 
of digital computer. 
Experimental results enabled to make a 
conclusion of significant possibilities which arise 
when using networks with nonlinear interconnections. 
It is marked some problems and applications inherent 
to these networks. 
KEY WORDS :  Neuron, network,  soliton, spectrum, 
1. INTRODUCT ION nature of these interconnections may be different. 
It is a poor idea to imitate the behaviour of 
In the systems of remote sensing investigator neurons. It’s more productive to use some principals 
often meets with problems of preliminary signal inherent to neurons. Among them flexibility, access 
processing.Having read signal from receiving matrix to a large amount of data and of course, opportunity 
it is necessary to realize its transformation to to operate with digital and especially analog signal 
form admissible for digital computer. Latter that most investigators find possible to neglect. 
operates with high dimension matrix of datas using Almost all applications of neuron networks in 
algorithms which depend on concrete task. Sometimes optical systems are based on ability to recognize 
that sequence of actions is inconvenient. Time, standart image, perform some mathematical operati- 
requested for computer, and registering processes ons. Whole neuron system is devided into several 
velocity may come into contradiction. Besides, layers. They have interconnections which may be 
distribution of operations between analog and called vertical, i.e. between different layers ( see 
digital units is far from symmetry. And problem of Fig.la).In most situations each element of network 
transference of processing center for whole system realizes addition and substraction. More complex 
to analog unit arises. operations are performed by network as a whole. Thus 
It has become possible to come to this a role of interconnections comes to a simple 
conclusion after investigations connected with transportation of datas. 
analysis of pictures through atmosphere. Discussed Imagine another situation when each neuron in 
in /1/, acoustooptical device required preliminary the layer is connected with the neighbour one. Such 
analog signal processing directly at the optical structure may be called as network with horizontal 
matrix of  photodetectors. Furthemore in perspective or parallel interconnections in layer (see Fig.1b). 
it is necessary to organize parallel functioning of 
all elements . That is why direction of N N N N 1 
investigations was concentrated to biological | N | a va 
"ii ln | 
objects such as retina.It was determined that real N N N 2 
neural system may be envisage as a model of complex EE 
technical system for effective transformation of M N N N ! N 3 
information. a) Linear networks 
Human brain consists of a great number of unique 
elements - neurons. Much time has been spent N=====N=====N=====N N =N===== N 1 
investigating structure, interconnections and [ | 
operations of them.It can be said that now we have N=====Nzz===zN====z=N====sN=====N=====N e 
several lines of development those systems which are 
often called neuron networks. Although the term b) Nonlinear networks 
"neuron" may be taken as undefined it must be 
restricted to avoid ambiquities. In this paper when Figure 1 Types of networks 
we speak of "network" we should be refferring to 
collections of physical elements. Their interconnec- Braph of all interconnections defines its topology. 
tions provide all system with new functions. The Idea of symmetry plaies here an extraordinary role. 

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