of the image. The spatial integration of explicit information
is due to the process memory which is derived from the
model state equation. The main interest of this approach
comes from its ability to remove the underdetermination
bound to motion estimation.
In order to use this model, three main hypotheses must
be satisfied:
1. the illumination is supposed to be constant between
two consecutive images of the sequence;
2. the displacement between two consecutive images can
be locally assimilated to a translation;
3. the image noise is supposed to be white and of known
2.1 Model description
The model equation of the filter provides the relation be-
tween the displacement vectors associated to two consecu-
tive pixels. It can be expressed as a function of a transition
matrix ® and of a white noise (w;):
D(i) = $D(i — 1) + wi-1
The model makes the assumption of a parametric tran-
sition matrix whose type is:
® = X
with 0 < A < 1 and I; being the identity matrix. The
choice of A determines the estimator’s memory, therefore
it strongly influences the trade-off between the integration
capability and the adaptability when being faced to a sudden
change in the estimated process.
In the following, Ey will denote the estimator parame-
terized by A.
In every pixel, the measure is equal to the component of
the searched displacement along the spatial intensity gradi-
ent. The fact that this component is the only information to
be intrinsically available provides an intuitive justification.
2.2 Estimator running
Between two consecutive pixels, the estimation is updated
both in the direction of the spatial intensity gradient and
in the directly orthogonal direction, under the premise that
there exists a significant variation of the gradient along the
current image line. When the preceding condition is satis-
fied, and according to the operator memory, the estimation
process progressively removes the underdetermination due
to the aperture phenomenon. The estimation error remains
minimum along the spatial intensity gradient direction and
is maximum along the orthogonal direction. Associated to
each pixel, the value of this second component of the error
is a measure of the residual underdetermination.
The parametric Kalman model represents a continuum
between two extreme estimators (resp. À = 0 and À = 1)
(refer to figure 1). These two extreme estimators are radi-
cally opposed from the regularization point of view. Finally,
each instance of the model is a trade-off between a good inte-
gration capability and a good adaptability to the underlying
estimation process.
3 Using two cooperating Kalman
3.1 Extreme models
Closely looking at the two extreme cases generated by the
extrema of A in the [0, 1] range is extremely valuable. The
Eo and E, estimators are well suited to the motion estima-
tion of a rigid object (F1) and to the motion estimation of
a totally random motion (white motion process) ( Eo).
Eg estimator: As the process memory is non-existent,
no spatial integration is performed. In this case, it is easily
shown that the gain vector is oriented in the direction of the
intensity spatial gradient The model converges toward the
estimate of the local orthogonal displacement vector field.
E, estimator: As the process memory is total the spatial
integration is maximum. À significant change in the gra-
dient direction between two consecutive pixels leads to an
optimal update of the gain, in the direction perpendicular to
the gradient one. In this case the model converges towards
the estimate of the true displacement vector field.
From the above, one may infer that:
e The F, estimator allows an optimal removal of the un-
derdetermination bound to motion estimation. But, as
a consequence, the estimator’s memory is detrimental
to its adaptability.
e The E, estimator does not allow any underdetermi-
nation removal at all. But its adaptability, that is its
ability to quickly adapt itself to a sudden change of
the estimated signal is excellent.
The principle of our method is based on a cooperative
usage of the E, and Fo models to provide an accurate motion
estimation. It is justified by the simultaneous exploitation
of the good integration characteristics of E; and of the good
adaptability of Eo.
3.2 Cooperation principle
We have highlighted the E, estimator capability to, accord-
ing to the parametric family, optimally remove the under-
determination bound to the motion estimation. The major
problem related to the usage of E; is its lack of ability to
adapt itself to a qualitative change in the estimated system.
The basic principle of the cooperation relies on the par-
allel activation of the E, and Ej estimators in order to use
the adaptability of the second to the benefit of the first.
The useful information of Eg resides in the innovation
term. In this specific case, the innovation - the difference
between a measure and the predicted value of this measure -
is easily expressed as a function of the spatial gradient G(:),
the searched displacement D(?) and a white noise v; accord-
ing to the equation:
zi = G(i)! D(3) - vi
As a consequence, every qualitative modification in the
“intensity spatial gradient” vector field G;, as well as in the
“true displacement” vector field D(z) induces a change of
the Eg estimator innovation.
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