Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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ure 5 
a di- 
sort network (cont.) 
operation junction: network x vertex  — boolean 
axiom junction (nl, v1) == inDegree (nl, v1) € 2 and 
outDegree (n1, v1) 2 1 
3.24 Split 
Reverse to the junction, a single channel may split into two or 
more separate channels. Such a situation occurs usually in a 
river delta or when islands are formed. In terms of the di- 
graph model, a split corresponds to a vertex with an in-degree 
of 1 and an out-degree of at least 2. 
sort network (cont.) 
operation split: network x vertex — boolean 
axiom split (n1, vl) == inDegree (nl, vl) = 1 and 
outDegree (nl, v1) 2 2 
Figure 6 depicts an example of a splits and its mappings onto 
a di-graph. 
ume ipn A 
Figure 6: Split pattern and its graph representation. 
— — —»— 
3.3 Lakes 
À lake is a waterbody without a flow direction. River channels 
carry water into and out of a lake; occasionally, lakes may 
have no (observable) channels associated with them. 
For lakes the same classification of vertices applies, i.e., a lake 
may be a source, destination, junction, split, or simply an 
auxiliary node of a river network. In addition to these 
configurations, a lake may be the destination of several 
channels, i.e., the lake vertex is of in-degree » 1 and out- 
degree 0. Likewise, a lake may be the source of multiple river 
branches, sometimes even of different river networks. Thus, a 
lake may also have out-degree »1 and in-degree 0. Even the 
combination of in-degree 0 and out-degree 0 is feasible for a 
lake (without any visible channels); however, such a vertex 
would be an isolated vertex and, therefore, would not be part 
of any river network (Figure 7). 
Figure 7: Configurations with a lake and their representa- 
tions as graphs. 
In terms of the graph representation for a river network, the 
degree of a vertex does not provide any clue whether the 
vertex is a lake or not, because a lake can have any 
combination of in-degree n (0 X n) and out-degree m (0 X m). 
3.4 Islands 
An island separates a channel temporarily into two separate 
channels that must join later on. In terms of the di-graph 
model, an island is an ordered sequence of two vertices, the 
first of in-degree 1 and out-degree 2, and the second of in- 
degree 2 and out-degree 1. Figure 8 show examples of islands 
and their graph representations. 
Figure 8: Configurations with islands and their represent- 
ations as graphs. 
A formal analysis whether two vertices, V/ and V2, form an 
island or not has to consider the following issues (for 
simplicity, only nodes of degree 3 are considered, but the idea 
generalizes to vertices of higher degrees): 
. VI must be a split vertex in the network n; 
. V2 must be a junction vertex in 1; 
° the downstream paths from the final vertices of the 
two downstream channels of the split VI must have a 
junction in V2; and 
° the upstream paths from the initial vertices of the 
two upstream channels of the junction V2 must have 
a split in VJ. 
This operation can be easily expressed as an operation on a 
partially ordered set (Birkhoff, 1967), made up by the set of 
vertices and the orientation of the edges between the vertices 
(such that downstream is x and upstream 2 ). In a partially 
ordered set, an element u is an upper bound of a set A if a <u 
for all a “ A. The least upper bound (lub) is then the smallest 
element in the set of upper bounds of a given set. Reversely, 
an element u is a lower bound of a set À if u <a for all a “ A 
and the greater lower bound (glb) is the largest element in the 
set of lower bounds of a given set. Applied to the 
identification of an island in a channel graph, the glb and lub 
define an island as follows: 
sort network (cont.) 
operation island: network x vertex x vertex — boolean 
axiom island (nl, v1, v2) == 
split (n1, v2) and junction (n1, v2) and 
(glb (finalVertex (downStreamChannell (n1, v1)), 
finalVertex (downStreamChanneD (n1, v1))) = v2) 
(lub (initialVertex (upStreamChannell (n1, v2)), 
initial Vertex (upStreamChannel2 (nl, v2))) = v1) 

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