Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

mostly theoretical results, which have been achieved 
until now in statistical pattern recognition. Chapter 
three discusses in detail about the methods of empirical 
error estimation. Altogether ten methods are discussed. 
The chapter can be considered as a review of empirical 
error estimation, and utilizes both theoretical and empi- 
rical results from the literature. In chapter four, the 
simulation results are described. The simulations are 
based on an extensive work. Totally, more than 80000 
different cases have been studied (yet the test is 
limited). The most important trends of these simula- 
tions are listed in chapter four. Finally, chapter five 
will draw some conclusions. 
In this chapter we review the effect of finite sample 
sizes to the empirical error estimators and to the 
classifier design. In the analysis below, like in the 
simulations in chapter 4, we will restrict to two class 
2.1 Effect of finite sample sizes to empirical error 
The expected performance of a classifier degrades 
because of two sources: the finite number of samples 
used to design the classifier and the finite number of 
samples used to test the classifier. A theoretical analy- 
sis about the effects of both of these can be found from 
(Fukunaga 1990). 
The effect of the finite number of test samples in the 
error counting approach can be directly derived from 
the binomial distribution 
E,(ê} = € 
P, P, 
Var {€} = [I jade , 
where E,(£) is the expected value and Var,(£) the 
variance of the error estimate, € is the true error rate, €, 
is the true error rate of class 1, P, and P, are the prior 
probabilities and N, and N, are the sample sizes for 
both classes. The finiteness of the test set does not 
affect to the bias of the estimate, but produces a vari- 
ance, which is the higher the smaller is the expected 
error rate. 
The effect of a finite design set is much more difficult 
to analyze and the derivation goes far beyond the scope 
of this paper. The interested reader can find a detailed 
derivation from (Fukunaga 1990, p. 201-214). It is 
shown that the bias produced by a finite design set is 
always positive and the variance of second order app- 
roximation of a Bayesian classifier (assuming correct 
probability model is used) is zero. If the classifier is 
not Bayesian or higher order terms are used in the 
analysis, the variance is not anymore zero, and is de- 
pendent on the underlying density structures being 
proportional to 1/N3. 
When considering the effect of independent test and 
design sets, the following may thus be concluded: The 
bias comes mainly from the finite design set, and the 
variance from the finite test set. 
2.2 Effect of finite sample sizes in Classifier 
There is a large variety of classification rules. We 
consider here only those, which we have used in our 
simulations. The primary concern is the bias produced 
by the finite design set, because the variance of the 
error estimate comes primarily from the test set. Also 
the robustness against outliers is considered. 
2.2.1 Parametric Classifiers If the density functions 
can be expressed in parametric form, corresponding 
classifiers are called parametric. Most often the den- 
sity functions are described with the help of first and 
second order moments. Depending on the assumptions 
made, the decision boundaries are either of linear 
(linear classifier, equal covariance matrices) or of 
quadratic form (quadratic classifier, different 
covariance matrices). 
In the simulations carried out, we have used classifiers 
based on the assumption of multivariate normal dis- 
tribution. The classifiers are known to be asymptoti- 
cally Bayesian, if normality assumption is valid. In 
this case, the effect of the finite design set can be 
analyzed theoretically (Fukunaga 1990, chapter 5). 
The drift from the validity of the normality assumption 
(modelling error) is harder to analyze. The effect of 
this drift was analyzed by simulation during this pro- 
ject, but this part is not reported here. 
If the covariance matrices in both classes are equal to 
the identity matrix, an explicit formula for the bias 
caused by the finite design set can be derived. This is 
of interest to have some kind of feeling about the de- 
pendencies. For linear classifier the bias is (Fukunaga 
1990, p. 211) 
ELE) - E, (2) 
p{Ve} N, 
So e ® » 
2V2r pm 
c P. jai sina) 
Correspondingly, the effect of the final design set to 
the quadratic classifier in this case is 
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