qualitatively to show opportunity of signal
processing with the aid of neuron networks using non
linear interconnections.Because of it technical
realization of elements and their interaction was
rather different from one discussed above.It was
made so for more convenience to set initial
conditions and to obtain results.
Network, based on long line, was assembled
making use of analog computer. Nonlinearities there
were huild up using internal units inherent to these
computers.Thus simulations were carried out with 12
elements in network.It is convenient to form
necessary initial charges at all knots.A schematic
diagram of experimental system is shown in Fig.6.
Output of each neuron has been taken from
corresponding knot.Received sygnals moved to acousto
-optical cell which had 6 parallel channels through
frequency transformers.System of transformers could
form 36 different channels (6 at one acousto-optical
element).Each channel has own attenuator.In that way
it was possible to regulate weights of outputs.
Collection of moving plates had functional
transparency along its lengh.All optical elements
provide necessary characteristics of light beams at
all points.Group of photodetectors registered
signals which then were transformed to digital code.
This experimental system enabled to realize discrete
spectral filtration.As an initial image was chosen
a rectangular with distorced plane top
(simmetrically with respect to plane top).Moving
different functionally transparent plates, and
treating signals at outputs, were obtained two
different results.First signal is undistorted
rectangular with suppressed oscilations of plane top
and second one is high frequency component with
suppressed initial rectangular.
Time control enabled to fix time of back
calculation but it was considered only as first
approximation and the finish result was fixed, using
qualitative determination of expected signal.Real
network and signal processing system may be formed
on the base of VLSI structures, which will provide
opportunities of operating with complicated images
using many neuronlike elements.
Previous discussion was concerned only linear
networks.Nevertheless networks of more than first
dimension can be devided into two classes. First is
n-Dimensional network formed by only nonlinear
interconnections. There are mathematical literature
where 2D solitons are investigated.They are called
lumps.Lumps are solitons of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili
equation.It is a problem to find a suitable model of
this mathematical ob ject.Spectral theory of 2D
networks with non linear interconnections is not
enough clear to build on the base of it system for
signal processing.However principle of scattering in
that theory can be used.
Stream of information through neuron oscilations
interacts with the set of centers scattering part of
this information and producing two components of
signal spectrum.Representation of 2D signals as a
series and classification of them has the same
application as for linear networks.It should be
stressed that task of scattering acquires thus a new
character.Using idea of absence of continuous
spectrum component one can obtain instead of real
image system of moving lumps.One can suppose that
parameters of lumps have as well one-to-one
correspondence with the Fourier spectrum of initial
image. Then nonlinear spectral filtration would
enable to pick out necessary elements from
real image.If dimension of network is more than two,
then it is difficalt to find fruitful concept of
interaction of neurons. Toda (/12/) has represented
several matrices corresponding to differential
equations of more high order than Korteveg-de-Vries
one. Exact technical realization of these mathemati-
cal objects is impossible, but may be approximation
would enable to build new interesting network.
The second type of 2 D network can be built
organizing links between several ordinal networks.
This problem is closely depends on the set of neuron
parameters, introduced while describing scattering
process. Fig.2 gives picture of distribution of
several signals, directed to differrent network
sections. Control solitons are formed not at all
neurons. Two neurons, having the same scattering
properties at © = 0, can differ at any different
angles. In polar coordinates angle corresponds to
solitons phase or its position at network. Radius
defines normalized amplitude of soliton. However it
is a special question.
The most important conclusion of this study is
that it is possible to use neuron network with non-
linear interconnections for signal processing. Ordi-
nal vertical networks usually play role of some
mathematical model and technical realization by
digital computer translates it into reality. Term
"neuron" in those networks has as well mathematical
meaning. Neuron in parallel networks has its own
technical implementation as analog and digital
The perspectives of neuron networks utilization
are in parallel structures for signal processing.
Whole 2 D set of photodetectors is devided into
several line networks.Signal analysis is carried out
separately for each network. Simpliest way to devide
all photodetectors into subsets is to pick out
strings or lines at matrix. Definition of organiza-
tion method of neurons into groups is a special
problem which depends on concrete conditions and
As a whole networks with nonlinear interconnec-
tion may be used in systems for signal processing,
to transform initial 2D optical field into different
type of information field which should be convenient
for further transformation and utilization.
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