Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

2.2 Model Quality Parameters 
Processing models used in a. GIS. may be 
deliberately simplified or even wrong. In the 
established GIS systems models are usually 
inserted at the time of using rather than stored. 
The interface of the GIS could prompt the user for 
information on the model, requesting information 
on variables to be processed and their functional 
relationships. But such an interface could also 
prompt the user for information on the model 
quality, if a Processing Model Quality Report does 
not already exist. Models can be checked to 
determine their quality, and commonly this 
involves fieldwork (see [DRUMMOND,1991]). 
2.3 Manipulation of Position and Attribute Quality 
Error Propagation techniques have long been used 
by surveyors and photogrammetrists in their 
techniques of pre-analysis, to estimate the most 
probable error of a data capturing task. These 
techniques involve manipulating the standard 
deviations of independent variables to obtain an 
estimate of the dependent variable, and so are 
more correctly called Variance Propagation. In any 
general approach to handling data and information 
quality in GIS it is proposed that the term Error 
Propagation be used when estimates of the quality 
of the result of a procedure are being obtained, 
and the term Variance Propagation be reserved only 
for the situation when the error propagation has 
followed the methods outlined below (and well 
established in surveying and photogrammetry, but 
not so much in GIS!). Thus variance propagation 
[MIKHAIL, 1976] may be used to estimate the 
quality of GIS generated information, when a 
mathematical model is being used. A. mathematical 
model processes continuous variables and constants 
to provide new information and the mean and 
standard deviation of such continuous variables 
can be stored in a relation such as TABLE 1, 
columns VALUE2 and QUAL2. 
Briefly reminding the reader, variance propagation 
of the given mathematical model: 
a= f(b;cC) i ol... iiss zen (1) 
where values of ’b’ and ’‘c’ are stored in the 
database tables of a GIS, and the new information 
‘a’ can be computed, then if the values of the 
Standard Deviations (SDs) of ’b’ and ’c’ are also 
stored in the database, the SD of ‘a’ can be 
(SDa)? = (SDb)2 x (da/db)2 + (SDc)2 « (da/dc)? 
* 28Dbc(da/db)(da/dc) . ........ (2) 
the last term being omitted if there is no 
correlation between b and c. 
As indicated, the equations ((1) and (2)) above 
use information available from a database table 
such as TABLE 1. However the user required 
information ('a') and the partial derivatives 
(e.g. (da/db)) used in equation (2) both need the 
model (ie equation (1)) to be provided. 
To perform a variance propagation partial 
derivatives must either be supplied by the user or 
the system, and for the general GIS user help must 
be given. Useful commercial subroutines exist 
which can determine these, and can be incorporated 
into a GIS. 
Set Theory can be used to process quality 
information when a Logical model is used. Such a 
model is, for example: 
Grazing Suitability 1 arises when 
soil class is Hn33 and when 
rooting depth is 1.50m to 2.00m 
Vith such a model, error propagation may exploit 
Crisp Set Theory and considering the parcel 1255 
of TABLE 1, the probability that the soil class is 
Hn33 is 0.65. The probability that the rooting 
depth is between 1.50mm and 2.00mm is 0.98. Thus 
assuming the model is perfect (i.e. the 
probability of the model holding is 100%), then 
the probability of the soil polygon being Grazing 
Suitability 1 is 0.64 (or 0.65 x 0.98). If the 
probability of the model holding is only 80%, then 
the probability of the soil polygon being Grazing 
Suitability 1 is 51%. This is a problem of Set 
Theory Intersection, more fully described in texts 
on Probability (e.g. [BHATTACHARYYA and JOHNSON, 
The probability that the soil polygon had a 
rooting depth in the class 1.50m - 2.00m of 98% 
vas obtained by the technique of estimation by 
confidence intervals, which makes certain 
assumptions about error, the most significant 
being that: 
1. error associated with a measurement is normally 
distributed about the mean of that measurement; 
2. the function describing a normal distribution 
of | error can be used to determine the 
percentage of the total area under that error 
distribution curve between any two values of x. 
These assumptions lead to FIGURE 1 which shows a 
normal distribution of Rooting Depth measurement 
error about a mean of 1.80m, when a Standard 
Deviation of 0.10m had been achieved. From this 
diagram it can be seen that the bottom edge of the 
Rooting Depth Class 1.50 - 2.00 is 3«SD below the 
mean (1.80m) while the top edge of the class is 
2xSD above the mean. This accounts for 98% of the 
area under the error distribution curve of FIGURE 
1, leading to the assumption that the probability 
of a soil polygon, whose mean rooting depth is 
1.80m, being in the Rooting Depth Class 1.50-2.00m 
is 0.98. Such a computation can be triggered by 
the presence of ’F’ in a DISn column of a database 
table such as TABLE 1, and such a capability is an 
essential part of an uncertainty subsystem 
Crisp Set Theory uses probabilities which have 
been derived through objective and repeatable 
procedures. On the other hand Fuzzy (Sub-) Set 
Theory, although based also on probability theory, 
has been developed to use Certainty Factors, which 
may be probabilities, but (as implemented in some 
expert systems) gut feelings, hunches, or other 
types of unrepeatable (or non-objective) expertise 
are encouraged as acceptable sources. Certainty 
Factors range from 0.0 to 1.0 - adopting Kaufman's 
approach [KAUFMANN, 1975]. Using the probabilities 
discussed above, but treating them as Certainty 
Factors, we have: 
Certainty Factor that soil class is Hn33 = 0.65 
Certainty Factor that the rooting depth 
is in the class 1.50m to 2.00m = 0.98 
Certainty Factor of the model holding = 
being ( 
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