Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

"E | Ding Mingyue? 
imee | sut ait ; 
SPOT | Institute of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 
| Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
| Wuhan, Hubei 430074, P.R.China 
ries | In modern navigation and guidance systems, image matching is often used as an efficient approach 
ay : | to increase the registration accuracy. Acquisition probability of image matching is one of the most 
| important parameters in registration accuracy analysis of image matching. It represents the correctness 
| of the position estimated by the navigation and guidance system with respect to the real position in 
975) | flight. For example, in missile homing guidance, it is the probability of hitting a target. So, it is 
et | the main basis for designing a navigation and guidance system. In image matching, Mean Absolute 
rche | Difference (MAD) is one of the most often used algorithms. It has a lot of advantages such as high 
hier | registration accuracy, high noise robustness and can be easily realized by hardware etc. In this paper, 
| first, the acquisition probability for the MAD algorithm is derived based on the image pixel-correlation 
z model. Then, in order to evaluate the value of acquisition probability for the MAD algorithm, an 
ns", approximation formula is given. Finally, the experiments with different optical aerial photographs 
| and infrared remoted sensing photographs have been conducted on a IBM-PC microcomputer system 
and a S575 image processing system . By the experimental comparion to the evaluation of Johnson 
Et | it is demonstrated that the evaluation of acquisition probability for the MAD algorithm proposed in 
Ces | this paper is more accurate and close to the real acquisition probability. 
| Key Words : accuracy, image matching, navigation and registration. 
and | 
iple | M-m+i 
| 1.1 Image Matching Point m s 
Suppose S and R represent sensed image (m X n) and ref- (4,j 
| erence image (M x N) respectively . The purpose of image | Be; N 
sis matching is to determine the position (ig, jo) where the ref- N-n+i 
erence subimage is most similar to the sensed image S by $ G-miij-n-4li 
translating the reference subimage R; ; in the searching area 
cat G, as shown in Fig. 1. The position (o, jo) is called match- R 
the ing point between image S and image R. For the MAD Fig. 1 The matching area of reference image 
| algorithm, the similarity between two images is measured 
| with the mean absolute difference function f(i,j): The smaller the MAD value, the more similar the two im- 
ies "m m ages. Therefore, for the MAD algorithm, the image match- 
ive f(üj3)s + > >. |Ri+k-1,j+g-1)- S(k,g) | (1) ing point is the minimum of f(i, j); it can be mathmatically 
> MN =19=1 expressed as: 
| where 0<i<M-n+10<j<N+n-1 fio, jo) = min_ f(i, 7) 
la | 
ées | 
The work is supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany 
Currently on leave at the Institute for Robotics and Process Control, Technical University of Braunschweig, W-3300 
Braunschweig, Germany 

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