Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

The proposed method was applied to the adjustment of three 
braced quadrilaterals given in Laurila [2], Moffitt [3],and 
Mikhail [4] res ectively. The input data and the correctiond 
obtained, are shown in the following sheets. 
Ferrar, W.L.1941. Algebra. Oxford University Press.Oxford. 
Herubin, C.A.1974. Principles of Surveying. Reston Publishing 
Laurila, S.H.1983. Electronic Surveying in Practice. John Wiley 
and Sons. U.S.A. 
Mikhail, E.M. 1981. Surveying Theory and Practice. Mcgraw 
Hill Book Company, New York. 
Moffitt,F.M.1975. A Surveying. Harper and Row Publishers, 
New York. 
10 READ Xi1,X7,X3,X4,X5,X6 
20 DATA: 1341.785,2775.364,2167.437,1937.887,2173.715,1511.014 
21 Y1=(2*X1*X1*X6*X6)*((-X1*X1)+(X2XX2)+(X3XX3)+(X4XX4)+(X5X*X5)- (X6*X6 ) ) 
22  Y2-(ZX*XOS*XS*XA*XA)*((X1*X1)* (X2*X2) - (X3XX3) - (X4*XA) - (X5*X5) 4 (X6*X6)) 
23 Y3=(2XX2*X2*X5XX5)*( (X1XX1)- (X2*X2)+(X3XX3)+(X4XX4)- (X5*X5)+(X6*X6 ) ) 
24  Y4=-(2*X1*X1%XX2XX2*X4XX4)- (2%XX1*XX1*X3XX3XX5XX5 ) - (2XX2*X2XX3*X3*X6XX6 ) - ( 2*X 4x 
25 LPRINT "y1-: 
26 LPRINT "y2=- ; YZ 
27 LFRINT '"y3-". 
28. LPRINT "y4-^- Y4 
29 X =Y1+Y2+Y3+Y 
30 LPRINT "x-";:X  :PRINT 
31 DATA  1341.785,2775.364,2167.437,1937.887,2173.715,1511.014 
35 —Hi = 0 
40 Hz = 0 
50 B(l,1)= Hi+HZ 
60 LTRINT " b(1,1)]— ; B(1,1) 
70 Ali z(A4*X2*X5^2*(X1^2-X2^24X3^24X4^2-X5^2*4X6^2) )- (4*X2^ 3kX5^2) 
80 A2 -(AX*X2*X1^2XX6^2)*(4*X2X*XX3^ 2*X4^2) -( AKX2*X1^2X*X4^2)- (4XX2XX3^ 2*X6^2) 
90 B(1,2)- AT*tA? 
100 LPRINT " bci,2)-"; B(Cl,2) 
110 Cl -AX*XXS*X4^2*(X1724X2^2-X3^Z-X4^ 2«X5^ 24X6^2) ) -(4*X3^ 3*X4^2) 
120 C2 zAXXSXX1^2*X6^2)- ( AXX3*X2^2*X5^2) -( AKXX8XX1^2*X5^2) -( 4XX3X*X2^2X*X6^2) 
130 B(1,3)- C1+C2 
140 LERINT " b(1,3)-"; B(1,3) 
150 Di =(4*X4*X53"2*(X1"2+X2"2-X3"2-X4"2+X5"2+X6"2))-(4*X4" 3*X3"2) 
160.D2 C(A*XAXX1^ 2*X67 2) c (AXXAXXZ7 ZKX572) -CAXXAX17 2kX2^ 2) -( AKXA*X5^ 2kX672) 
i70 B(1,4)- D1-4D2 
180 LPRINT " b(1;4)-"; B(1,4) 
190 E1 z(A4XX5*X2^2*(X1^2-X2^24X3^24X4^2-X5^24X6^2) )- ( 4XX5^3X*X2^2) 
200 EZ z(A4*XbXX1^2*X6^2)* ( 4XX5*X3^ 2*X4^2) -( AXX5*X1^2*X3^2)- ( 4XX5*XA^2XX6^2) 
210 B(l,5)= Bi+EZ 
220 LPRINT " b(1,5)-". B(1,5) 
230 Fi z(A4X*XOXX1^2*(-X1^24X2^24X3^24X4^24X5^2-X6^2))-(4X*X6^ 8*X1^2) 
240 F2 -z(A4XX6XX3^2*X4^2)- (AXX6*X2^ 2*X5^2) -( AXXG*X2^ 2XX3^ 2) -( 4XX6XX4^2XX5^2) 
250 B(1,6)= F1+F2 
280 LFRINT ” b(1,6)= - B(t,6) 
270 FOR I = 11 TO -6 
280 LPRINT B(i,L) 
290 NEXT I 
300 Q =(Béi,l) Z2+B(1,2) 2+PCi1,3) 2+P(1,4) 2+BC01,5) 2+B(1,6) 2) 
3i0 LPRINT "q-' :Q 
320 FOR I=1 TO 6 
330 AX(1,I) - -X/Q *B(1,I) 
340 LPRINT AX (1,1) 
350. NEXT I 
353 READ X(1),X(2),X(3),X(4),X(5).X(6) 
3855 DATA: 1341.785,2775.364,2167.437,1937.887,2173.715,1511. 014 
360 FOR I- 1 TO 6 
370 FR (1,1)- X(1) TAX(T, T1) 
380 LPRINT FR(1,I) 
390 NEXT I 
400 END 

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