the difference between the distance from i to j and
the difference from k to I.
The synaptic
is defined as:
connection welght between two neurons
Tikjlm = (Cikjlm - 51jm - 8 kim)
where 8 ijn = 1 if i=), otherwise 0; 0 kim = 1
If 1=k, otherwise 0. The deformation of the cost fun-
ction to the Lyapunov function of a Hopfield network
with the neuron is defined as Vik = Pik, Vj = Pj|.
The concrete convergence programm in the (10) equli-
ty is proved difficult. We use an approximate energy
C as followed. The mateamatical proof refers to
À Eikm = - [ E x 2 Cita - Sim - Okiw?
Pj] * 2] APikn (11)
According to the Hopfield updating rule
| Ar
Pik — 0, if fi > cun - Bim -
8 kim) Pj1 +3 | <o
Pik 1 if im x 2 Cm - 8 iim -
Skim Pj1 +3 | >0
no change if p x 3 (Cikjim - 9 1j -
8 kim) Pj1 +23 | =0
The optimal solution is completed when the Hopfield
network is at its minimum energy point. However, it
may settle down into one of the many locally stable
state. So we cannot only rely on the stable point ln
the Hopfield network to get a full satisfication in
the stereo matching process. We adopt stereo fusion
layer for our further decisive basis. Another reason
for the stereo fusion layer is that the (interest
points is so sparse that the result of the matching
result cannot reconstruct the real surface of the
object. Only when the pattern recognition layer and
the stereo fusion layer convergence simultaneously,
the result of the system is reliable. In the next
section, we will discuss the stereo fusion layer.
The discrete (binary output) state was chosen in the
pattern matching layer rather than the continuous
value because of its simplicity in computational
complexity. However, using a discrete Hopfield net-
work, a number of local minima may not be avoided
owing to the discontinuity of energy function caused
by the discontinual interest points.
The function of the stereo fusion layer is: It match
the other points which are not the interest points.
It perform the minimum of a energy fuenection which
is based on the stereo fusion criterion. The stereo
fusion is completed in local segments which is conf-
ined by the interest points. The surface of this
local area is smooth for there is not salient point
in this segment and so that this network may not
fall into a local minimum point. The calculation of
different segments is in separate and parallel way.
There is no relation between the different segments
for the depth may be discontinual at the interest
point. But the difference of disparity between the
neibour points in one segment should be very small,
owing to the object rigidity and surface smoothness.
This layer is formed by another Hopfield network
proposed by Y.S. Zhang [4]. The stereo fusion is
assumed along the epipolar line. The energy funeloa
is given by :
r Je D 2
= D) - P,(iek y
i * * gpl PG D - PRüek DI^ Vi, jk
T € D
14 EL Fi Enñles Toit
= Vt, no 8, y? (13)
By comparising with the standard Hopfield network in
two dimensional application:
D _D
- am z = >; 2 pTijkin Vijk Vimo
: * * Zu V ima (13)
We can get
Tijkim = - 8% 81) 8 judy
"ES 811 8 jme 8 kn
11, j,k = - EP4L) - Pelo J) 1?
Where 2D+1 is the maximum disparity, 8S is an index
set for four nearest neighbours at polnta (Ll), Nr
and Ne is the image window row and column sise, res-
pectively. More detailed convergence of the network
refers to the paper by Y.S. Zhang [4].
The pattern matching layer match the Interest points
while the stereo fusion layer match the other points
according to the stereo fusion eriterion. The stereo
fusion area is eonfined by the interest points 80
that the stereo fusion process is guided by the pat-
tern matching layer. While the pattern matching layer
and the stereo fusion may fall into local minimum
points in the convergence process so that a compound
decision layer is employeed to complete cooperative
decision to enforce the reliability of the matching
Fig. 5 shows the possible matehing cell between the
left image and right image. We are supposed that
there are two possible set of correspondence :
{i «> |, j «=n, k —> n
of fies] je,