Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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objects in the database. 2nd 
degree files store keywords for 
single classes, while 3rd degree 
ones are files containing the 
object and files storing the 
meta-data to the object. So to 
each object two files exist 
one file with the actual data, 
p.e. the image, and another one 
with the information  (meta- 
The logical model hides the 
actual data structure from the 
user. Fig 2.1 shows a scheme of 
our logical model. 
user-interfaces to control these 
rouintes. The modules are coded 
in WAVE. The interface should be 
a graphical one, mainly 
controlled by mouse and cursor. 
WAVE offers a possibility to 
create such interfaces with a 
tool called WAVE-WIDGETS. 
Unfortunately this tool does 
just work under the  window- 
system SunView. The project 
needs something to work under 
both SunView and X-Windows (with 
the advantage of network- 
processing ability). So first we 
created a low-level menu-system 
CL. 1 CL. 
CL. 3 CL. n 
| des L.. 
Re iaynl. e ll 
Ob. 1.1 Ob 1.2 Ob. 2.1 Ob. 3.1 Ob. n.1 
IL.1.1 I1.2.1]|]I1.2.2 I2.1.1 I3.1.1 In.1.1 
Figure 3.1 : Logical Model (Cl - cluster, Ob - object, I - Info) 
Main elements are the objects, 
p.e. a SAR-image. Objects are 
arranged in clusters (classes of 
objects with identical data 
structure). A11 clusters 
together form the DB. To each 
object a set of meta-data is 
2.3 Database Modules 
To work with the database we 
need modules to manage data and 
retrieve information as well as 
(WaveMenu), which simply opens a 
window and draw some 
buttons.These buttons may be 
pushed by clicking on them with 
the mouse. According to which 
button is pressed a module, p.e. 
edit an entry, is called. Since 
all routines are programmed 
modular, it should be easy to 
adjust the entire system to a 
more sophiticated menu-system, 
which in future may be available 
for WAVE under X-Window. Fig. 
3.1 shows an example of a menu 
(here IMC-main-menu) 

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