Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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22 Solution of DLT parameters 
As mentioned earlier, the DLT parameters can be 
calculated either in a direct way where the corrections 
to the observations are assumed to be small and can be 
ignored or by an iterative non-linear solution. The 
first type with a direct solution will be called linear 
DLT and the second type will be called iterative DLT. 
Direct solution: The equations for the direct solu- 
tion can be written as: 
F, = L,X + LaY + L3Z + L, - 
LgxX - LyoxY - L41xZ - (x-v,) = 0 (8) 
F, - L5X + LeY + LyZ + La - 
LoyX - LygyY - LyyyZ - (y-vy) = 0 (9) 
where v,, v 
y are residuals of the measured image 
Iterative solution In the iterative solution, all 
observations have corrections except the control 
points, which are assumed to be without error. The 
equations for the iterative solution of the parameters 
can be written as: 
Fa = LyX + LaY + L,Z + 1, * La (X-49 X - 
Lo(x-v) Y - Lq(x-v) Z - (x-v,) = 0 (10) 
F, = L5X + La Y + L7Z + Lg = Lo (y-vy)X = 
Lio (y-v,) Y = Lu (y-vy)Z m (y - vy) -0 (11) 
Since equations (10) and (11) are non-linear they must 
be linearized before they can be used in a least squares 
23 Solution of parameters in the collinearity 
As in the case with the iterative DLT, all observations 
have corrections. The collinearity equations for the 
iterative solution can be written as: 
Fs = cT, - Nx, + N(x-v,) = 0 (12) 
Fo=¢T, = Ny, + NG -vy) = 0 (13) 
In case D, see table 2, equation (12) and (13) are lineari- 
zed with respect to the unknown parameters Xo, Yo, Zo, 
Q, 6, K. For case C they are also linearized with respect 
to parameters x,, yy, and c. 
24 Solution of object coordinates 
Both the DLT and the collinearity equations are treated 
as non-linear. Both the comparator readings and the 
calculated parameters are treated as observations. 
2.5 Evaluation 
The methods have been evaluated with respect to pre- 
cision and internal reliability. Precision refers to the 
statistical variability of the result and the internal reli- 
ability indicates to what extent gross errors in an 
observation can be detected. 
Precision values have been calculated for all control 
points in the 11 by 11 by 11 grid. An average value is 
calculated for the X, Y and Z component of the check 
point coordinates. 
Internal reliability is evaluated by using the cofactor 
matrix ob, and the correlation matrix of the residuals 
resulting from the parameter calculations. An average 
of the off-diagonal elements in the correlation matrix 
has been calculated to get a value for comparison of 
how correlated the parameters are in the four cases. 
Each diagonal element of the covariance matrix or. 
gives an indication of to what extent a gross error in 
the observations can be detected into a specific obser- 
vation. A value of above 0.5 has been selected to indi- 
cate that an error can be detected in that position with 
a high degree of confidence. 
In a first step, the transform parameters for each of the 
four cases A, B, C, and D in table 2, are calculated using 
a least square adjustment method. In the same step, 
cofactor matrix o, and the corresponding correlation 
matrix of the measurement residuals are computed. In 
a second step the calculated parameters and their cal- 
culated cofactor matrix Q". is used to calculate the 
standard deviation o of the check points in order to 
estimate the precision of the coordinates of each point. 
For all test set-ups the adjustment is overdetermined, 
i.e. the number of observations exceeds the number of 
parameters carried in the adjustment process, see 
table 3. 
case |test |parameters | observations | redundancy 
(u) (n) (r) 
A 1,2 11 12 1 
B 1,2 11 12 1 
B 1,2 9 12 3 
c 1,2 6 12 6 
A 3,4 11 26 15 
B 3,4 11 26 15 
C 3,4 9 26 17 
D 3,4 6 26 20 
Table 3: The four tested methods A, B, C, and D and redundancy in 
the adjustment process. See table 1 and 2 for cases and tests. 

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