z' Us! i cos —sin0 2—2.
Ez] E oet
\Ze Az
la (10)
v,' and vy are residuals.
Having the observation equations, a least-squares adjust-
ment can be conducted to solve the unknowns of S, 0, Az
and Ay, by minimizing the summation of v2, and v2..
In practice, however, corresponding points between
two lines are difficult to define, due to the differences of
sampling density, scale and starting point. A possible so-
lution is to model the lines with some mathematical func-
tions and resample the lines at equally spaced points. For
instance, one could take the Fourier descriptors to model
each line and resample the lines at every 27/n interval,
in which n is the number of points to be resampled for
each line. Total number of 2n observation equations can
be formed accordingly. Although this method is feasible,
it seems not rigorous and efficient. First, the resampling
space is difficult to determine. A complicated line requires
a small sampling space, but a smaller sampling space in-
creases computation time. Second, the computation is not
straightforward. The lines are transformed into the fre-
quency domain when modeling, and are transformed back
to the spatial domain when resampling. Therefore, an idea
of matching lines in frequency domain, matching Fourier
descriptors, emerges to remedy these problems [Zhan and
Roskies, 1972].
4.2 Matching in the Frequency Domain
Instead of matching spatial coordinates, Fourier de-
scriptors of each harmonic are matched in the frequency
domain. The problem of finding corresponding points no
longer exists. The transformation parameters can be di-
rectly solved in the frequency domain and they naturally
correspond to the idea of the centroid-based transforma-
tion, so that the computation becomes efficient and useful.
Since the Fourier descriptors of a closed line and an
open line have different properties, the algorithms of closed-
line matching and open-line matching are different. In gen-
eral, open-line matching is a simplified case of the closed-
line matching. Because a phase shift does not change the
centroid, the translation parameters can be directly cal-
culated for the both cases by using the following formula
derived from Eq. (5):
Ss (11)
For the case of matching closed lines, each harmonic
(except the zero one) has 4 coefficients, so that 4 observation
equations can be constructed for each harmonic. Let ax, bs,
cy and d, be the Fourier coefficients of a candidate line, and
the coefficients with a prime represent the given line. If a
similarity transformation is applied, then the observation
equations can be derived from Eq. (9) as follows:
a Val, Ok be —Ck —dk
A 3 Ub. ee b, —Gkr —d, Ck
C, Ve, Ck d, ag b,
k Vay de —cx by —an
cos 0 cos kAt
cos 0 sin kAt
sin 0 cos kAt | (12)
sin 0 sin kAt
In Eq. (12), the parameters, S, 0 and At, are un-
knowns, and the equations are nonlinear. Combining the
equations of all the harmonics from 1 to a maximum har-
monic m, we obtain an redundant system of nonlinear equa-
tions. Least-squares adjustment can be used to solve the
unknowns by minimizing the summation of squared residu-
als. An iterative approach of least-squares adjustment can
be applied to solve such nonlinear equations with the given
approximations of the unknowns.
For open-line matching, Eq. (12) can be simplified as
ab cosÜ —sin0 a4 cos kAt
[a Se. 3)
In order to linearize the equations, we let e = S cos0 and
f = Ssin6. In addition, the starting point is assumed to be
at either end of the open line, so that At = 0 or x. When
At = 0, the observation equations will be
E] e
When At = m, they become
The observation equations become linear in this case,
so that unknowns can be solved without iteration. However,
in order to know whether Eqs. (14) or (15) should be used,
the parameter At should be determined in advance. The
method to approach this will be described in section 4.4.
The parameters S and 0 can be derived from the solution
of e and f by using
arctan( f/e). ‘ (16)
4.3 Weight Matrix and Mean-Square Error
Using least-squares adjustment, the mean value of the
coordinate differences between two matched lines should be
0, and a mean square error can be calculated from the differ-
ences. If we treat the coordinates z' and y' as observations
with a variance c?, the mean-square error of the match is
the best estimate of o°. It is obvious that those properties
of least-squares adjustment are defined in the spatial do-
main. Because the matching is performed in the frequency
domain, two questions arise. First, what should the weight
matrix for the observations a4, b,, c, and d; be? Second,
is a
If t]
be «