Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

7.3 Inversion 
According to Table 4, the MAP criterion would choose 
Z = Zo + AZ and Q = Qo + AQ in (20) such that 
the conditional probability P(Z, Q | L) is maximized, 
which is equivalent to maximize P(L | Z, Q)P(Z,Q), 
if P(L) is constant. 
As mentioned above, the conditional probability 
P(L | Z, Q) can be simply assumed as the probability 
that the observational residuals were produced by a 
normally distributed random variable (cf. (4)). The 
problem is, now, how to exploit our priori knowledge 
about Z and @ to constitute their probabilities, i.e. 
P(Z,Q). If Z and Q are statistically independent, we 
have P(Z, Q) = P(Z) - P(Q). 
To construct P(Z) and P(Q), one has to know the 
meaning of Z and Q. The vector Z, for instance, 
represents some elevations of discrete surface profile 
points. So, our priori assumption about Z is the spa- 
tial coherence of its elements. This suggests that the 
local potential of the element Z; € Z, à € Z can be 
written as 
dee ur ar 
2) - Y la (21) 
where N; denotes the set of totally connected sub- 
graphs (cliques) with respect to the element Z;, l;; € 
[0,1] is the connection strength between Z; and Z;, 
and oz is a normalizing constant. According to the 
Hammersley-Clifford theorem, the energy of Z can be 
computed with 
Zo Z4? i 
£2)» 3 Y [uA] - epus rs on 
cn oz 
Z;€Z i#j 
Ezz$z2-7. (23) 
1i.—1 0 0 Z1 
0.1... —4 0 Z2 
$; — ; , ZZ , 
0 0 ] - ZK 
2 0 0 
0 ge 
0 0 TZ 0 
Vp=|. dem]... 
(K-1)K ( 
e .- 
Similarly, since we priori know that p should be 
around 1 and q should be around 0, so the energy 
of Q is 
£(Q) - EQ Eg Eq, (25) 
EQ — 99 Q — Va, (26) 
] ^0 0 p 
0 1 0 T2 
oo — s : 3 Q = , 
0 0 1 PI 
1 92 0 0...0 
0 0 c2 0 0 
Ya Bossy or c —- … 
1 0-40: (4. 02 0 
0 0-0. o9 al 
and c, and c, are constants encoding the reliability 
of oura priori knowledge about p and q. 
Considering (3), (4), (5), (22) and (25), the MAP ba- 
sed surface reconstruction is to solve the optimizing 
iyrzciy + HET: X2! Eg luf Eg. Eg — min, 
with subject to (20), (23) and (26). Surely, the sur- 
face Z which is inferred in this way is dependent on 
T — (Z,07,V7,X7,09, VQ, Da) and they should be 
determined using a priori knowledge, before the in- 
version process takes place. The quality of Z is so- 
metimes not satisfying if our knowledge is not good 
enough to ensure an appropriate determination of T. 
50, a very interesting question is how to enlarge our 
knowledge and how to adapt I' during the inversion 
in order to improve the quality of Z. Information pro- 
cessing systems that improve their performance or en- 
large their knowledge bases are said to “ learn”. This 
ability would clearly have value in digital image inver- 
sion. Using parameter estimation technique, we can, 
for instance, adapt X, Xz, and XQ in (28) iterati- 
vely during the inversion so that the result is robust 
against image noises with different properties, against 
surface discontinuities, and against different reliabili- 
ties of our a priori knowledge (cf. Zheng and Hahn, 
8 Examples 
To demonstrate the feasibility of the methods for 
the purpose of surface reconstruction an algorithm 
has been developed based on the MAP criterion (cf. 
Zheng, 1990). It was tested on a variety of data sets 
including synthetic and real image data. 
Z( M) 
Soo æ 
the | 

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