arguments and data types into frames.
Histogram Leplacian
Common Para, ‘Private Pera.
Iterative Mothod Robert
"Common Para. Private Para.
Common Noise Efimi. Sobel
ope Para {Common Para. Private Para,
Analyse Different "Private Pera.
Sronmon Para, Krach
Tent hte Private Para,
De . Robinson
E | um.
Common x Frei & Chan
Fera Private Para.
Hough Trans.
‘Common Para
Figure 2. the hierarchy of subroutines in SPIDER
Frame Title: ETOC1
Parent: Edge Detection
Comment: " Detecting straight lines in an image"
/* private parameters slots */
Slot Name: |... JRT
Data Type: Dimension
Horizontal: ITH
Vertical: IRO
Comment: "2-dimension histogram of (p,6)"
Slot Name: ITH
Data Type: Integer
Upper Range: 32768
Lower Range: 1
Default: 180
If-Needed: Manual
Comment: "Number of quantization for 0"
Slot Name: IRO
Data Type: Integer
Upper Range: sqrt(ISX+ISY) * 1.414
Lower Range: 0
Default: 260
If-Needed: Manual
Comment: "Number of quantization for p"
Table 1: Structure of the Hough Frame
The frame concept , Marvin Minsky[4] , consists
of dividing knowledge up into specified categories. Frames
function like forms. They are often implemented as form-
like data structures in which the information in a given
category is hierarchical.
Like the entries in a form, frames can have numerous
slots or places where information can:be stored. Another
important feature provided with frames is the fact that the
slots can have default values or procedures. This means
that it is not necessary to describe in detail all of the facts
about a given object.
A frame consists of a slot for storing general
information about the frame itself, such as titles and
usage. The "parent" field contains the name of the frame
that references this one. The level field indicates the level
of hierarchy of this frame. In addition, each frame has
slots. The specialization of slots is used to establish a
property inheritance hierarchy among the frames, which in
turn allows information about the parent frame to be
inherited by its children. After a particular frame has been
selected to represent the current situation, the primary
process in a frame-based reasoning system is often just
filling in the details called for by its slots, and the data type
Will be checked. Some parameters are directly inherited. If
there are no specifications, the default value can be used,
or the attached If-Needed procedure can be used to
decide. Table 1. shows thestructure of a Hough frame.
There is no limit to the number of slots that a frame can
have. Slots can also have support fields or attributes.
These fields help define and describe the value of the slot.
For example, the limit for numeric slot values is given by
the upper and lower range values. The default value is the
value used if no other explicit information is available. To
each frame there are some specific slots. Default and
inherited values are relatively inexpensive methods of
filling in slots; they do not require powerful reasoning
processes. Thesemethods account for a large part for the
power of frames. When the needed information must be
derived, attached procedures provide a means of
specifying appropriate methods. This representation allows
for more flexibility and greater accessibility to the
(2) The knowledge of plan generation.
Although there is much knowledge about image
processing, by way of image analysis strategies, for
example to detect the edge in an image, there is an
optimal solution in SPIDER: Sobel (differential), Kirsch
(template matching type), Frei & Chen and Hueckel. From
our experiment, Sobel , Kirsch, Frei & Chen may give
basically the same type of image. Kirsch consumes more
time, Hueckel's algorithm has the advantage of providing
an equation for the edge-line pattern detected inside the
area of analysis; this equation can define the location of
the edges and lines within a subpixel resolution, which
could be used for registration purposes for processing a
scene. lt is better to use a line-following algorithm in
combination with the edge-line detection program in order
to obtain a continuous type. We incorporate the above
knowledge as gained from the experiment into our system
as heuristic information to guide our search.
Many analysis strategies have been proposed to
increase the performance of image analysis. Here we use
such a scheme to represent the image analysis strategies.
We describe an image processing procedure by a function.
The result of applying procedures O to image D is denoted
by O(D), thus the sequential composition of procedures
can be described as
where D denotes an input image and
01,02,...0n-1,0n functions represent image processing
procedures. These functions are successively applied in
this order: the innermost function is applied first to produce
the data for the second function and so on. We omit
arguments of the functions representing parameters of