Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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Figure 9: Results of applying the y — s method to the 
synthetic data: straight segments are represented by dashed 
lines, circular arcs by solid lines, and noise effects are not 
presented. The breakpoints are represented by squares. 
spatial domain. For example, the second arc in the syn- 
thetic example was detected as two smaller arcs and a noise 
segment. In the spatial domain, these shorter arcs can be 
combined into a larger arc by applying a least-squares ad- 
justment, and eliminating possible blunders. The noise ef- 
fects near the breakpoints can be resolved as well. If we 
eliminate any "short" phenomena, we can intersect neigh- 
boring longer phenomena, and by that close the gaps pro- 
duced by the elimination of the short segments. 
Real data: Experiments with the  — s method were 
also performed with real data. We found that the limita- 
tions of the j — s method, in terms of predefined thresholds, 
are quite critical. The selection of the threshold values is 
application dependent, i.e., the approximate size of features 
should be known. 
The paper describes curve segmentation in 3-D object space. 
Although the two methods described for that purpose are 
not necessarily the best available segmentation methods, 
the results are encouraging and show that 3-D segmenta- 
tion 1s possible. 
The split-and-merge method segments the data into 
straight lines only. Circular arcs are segmented into a list 
of short straight line segments. The offset criterion used 
reduces the sensitivity to noise. In other words, the split- 
and-merge method is quite robust and detects line segments 
even if they are very noisy. 
The y — s method offers the advantage of representing 
circular arcs as straight lines. This property allows detec- 
tion of circular arcs by using the split-and-merge approach. 
However, determining threshold values becomes a crucial 
issue. Due to noise effects, it is dependent on the lengths of 
lines to be classified. The noise is reduced significantly by a 
proper filtering of the original data. However, filtering also 
blurs the breakpoints. Current research focuses on a 3-D 
Freeman code (Freeman, 1974) representation. That is, the 
object space is discretized, thus reducing some of the noise 
caused by the scanning process. 
The experience gained leads to the following conclu- 
1. Since the 3 — s method allows easy detection of cir- 
cular arcs, it can be used for a rough segmentation 
of the 3-D curve into straight lines and circular arcs. 
Once such approximations exist, other methods can 
be used to refine the segmentation. 
2. Other segmentation methods should be investigated 
and eventually extended to 3-D. 
The segmentation of the 3-D curves is an important clue 
for man-made features, which are usually composed of 3-D 
straight lines and other regular curves that provide informa- 
tion which is much more explicit than the original densely 
spaced points resulting from stereo matching. 
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