Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

A Research of Boundary Extraction Based on Zero Crossing of Second Directional Derivatives 
Qiu Zhicheng 
Liu Yutong 
(Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 16 Beitaipinglu, 100039, Beijing, China) 
At present, discrete edge features can be extracted by many edge extraction methods. Because these edge features 
are not exact boundary, it is difficult to use in the image analysis and classification. 
In this paper, a new boundary extraction approach is introduced based on zero crossing of second directional 
derivatives, heuristic searching of artifical intelligence and manual editing. 
Using this approach, the boundary on image can be extracted accurately and extraction quality of boundary can be 
greatly improved. 
KEY WORDS: Edge extraction, Zero crossing, Derivative, Artifical intelligence 
1. Introduction 
Edge or boundary, generally corresponds to great 
change of geometry or physical property of scene, it has 
been widely used as the important features in two and 
three dimension computer vision. Edge extraction has 
become an important research subject in image process- 
ing for many years. 
Differential operator is a powerful means for ex- 
ploring the features of function change, many kinds of 
operator have been proposed in recent than 20 years. In 
order to improve the accuracy and speed many improve- 
ment methods have been proposed also [1][2][3]. 
The present research results show that most edge 
extraction algorithms exist the following problems, for 
some algorithms edge feature points along the edge 
could be extracted but it is not real edge. 
For some algorithms real edge points can be ex- 
tracted, but it is discrete. Besides image matching, it is 
difficult to use in other area. In order to improve the 
quality of edge extraction, a research on boundary ex- 
traction based on zero crossing of second derivatives has 
been introduced. À test on remote sensing image has 
been executed, and the test results indicate that this ap- 
proach is successful. 
2. The principle of Edge Extraction Using Zero Cross- 
ing of Second Directional Derivatives 
In digital image. edge generally means that bright- 
ness value has great change or the derivatives of bright- 
ness value has partical extreme value. More precisely, a 
pixel called edge must has the following condition: 
within the area around pixel, zero crossing of second di- 
rectional derivatives exist on gradient direction. 
Digital image grey generally is discrete, for deter- 
mining edge accuratelly, the discrete grey value should 
be represented by a fitting function. Orthogonal basis 
has been selected. There are following relationship for 
discrete orthogonal polynomial. 
> Pr (r) (ro + apy" + ... + ar +a,) = 0 
This is a linear equation, after solving the front 4 poly- 
nomial function formulas are: 
Pic) 1. Pr) =r 
P,(r) = 2^ — [734779 P,03) — n — (ml Dr 
where: 4k — S SN 
For two dimensional discrete orthogonal polynomi- 
al, it can be constituted by two one dimension orthogo- 
nal polynomial using tensor product. 
Suppose R and C are two dimension fitting inter- 
val, let {Po(r), 
mial on R, {@ (c), … , Que) } is a set of discrete poly- 
nomial on C, then, {Po (7) + @o(c), … , Pur) * Qu(c)) 
is a set of discrete orthogonal polynomial on RXC. 
we , Py(r)} is a set of discrete polyno- 
Using this relations, a fitting formula of two di- 
mensional image can be derived and first derivatives, 
second derivatives can be found. 
1. Fitting using discrete othogonal polynomial 
Suppose R is fitting interval in row direction and 
has symmetrical features and n elements, C is in column 
direction with fitting interval of symmetrical features 
and also has n elements, using tensor product, two di 
mension discrete or thogonal Pm (r, ¢) can constituted. 
After derivation, coefficient for fitting is: 
S SP. (rc) *dí(r,c) 
r€R cec 
S UL, 
Fitting polynomial Q (r, c) can be expressed by the fol- 
lowing formula: 
Que S a, t Pure) (2) 
2. Method of Edge Determination using Directional 
According to the definition of edge derivative, it 

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