Verify the normal distribution of residuals v; of check
and control point coordinates for each model 3 Vj =1,2,...
obtained by block adjustment. The condition is satisfied if
the null hypothesis is not rejected:
H, : v; y N(0, 0°) (7)
To verify the null hypothesis apply the x? test against the
theoretical normal distribution
H, : Y (f; - npjy![np; S x14-, (8)
where k is the number of subsets in which the sampled resid-
uals are subdivided
f; is the number of sampled residuals in the subset j
n is the total number of sampled residuals
p; is the theoretical probability (according to a Binomial
distribution for an outcome inside the subset j
r are the degrees of freedom
a is the probability for an error of first kind
In case of a normal distribution, f; will have a Binomial
distribution with the theoretical mean np; and the variance
np;(1 — pi)
If the null hypothesis is not rejected apply the data snoop-
ing test already proposed by F.Crosilla/G. Garlatti (1991)
for digital cartography. Let z;, and x; be the x-coordinates
of point P; under control coming from photogrammetric (p)
and cartographic (c) procedures respectively:
Tip = N(Hizpy ap)
Lie 7 N (Hisce, 02.) (9)
Define the random variable
Vi = Tip — Tic (10)
following a Normal Distribution
yi m N(Misp — Hines 02, + 02, — 20zpnc) (11)
Once the probability « for a first kind error is accepted and
the parametric space S is partitioned in the subspace of ac-
ceptance (A) and rejection (R)
A = [zp,fi € 5 : —za/2 € yifoy « za/2}
R = (zpt0€S:y/oi € -zaf2 or yifoiy > za/2}
za[2 : P[z « —zo/2] z p[z » za/2] 2 a/2. Vze S (13)
than holds
Hj x30 if rat. € À
H, p if Vip; Tic € R a
3.2 Non parametric hypothesis tests
In case the normal distribution of f; is not accepted non
parametric tests should be applied. The first question which
arises is the symmetry behaviour therefore we have to verify
the symmetry of the distribution of the sampled y; Vi =
1,2,...,m (m number of points). The null hypothesis is for-
mulated such that the mean value of distribution corresponds
with the median value.
Let be the mean value of y; = ÿ Vi = 1,2,...,m and
the median value of y; = yso Vi — 1,2,...,m Verify that
ÿ = Yso. This can be done by the two-tailed Quantile Test
for which the following null hypothesis is introduced:
H,:the .50 population quantileis ÿ (15)
or equivalently
H,: P(Y € Y) > .50quantile and P(y < ÿ) € .50quantile
in which Y has the same distribution as the sampled y;.
For a decision rule let us introduce the quantities:
T5 number of observations j 9)
T, number of observations € j and
T, — T if none of the observations m
The critical region corresponds to values of T? which are
too large, and to values of T, which are too small. This region
is found by entering a table of the Binomial distribution with
the sample size m and the hypothesized probability .50. We
now have to solve the following problem: find the number f;
such that
Pla<H)=ar (17)
where z has the binomial distribution with parameters m
and .50, and where ay is about half of the desired level of
significance. Then find the number tz such that
PC > ta) = a
or. Pla <a) = 1— 0 (18)
where a, is chosen such that a; + az is about equal the
desired level of significance (Note: o4 and az are not integer
numbers). The final decision rule is given by
EL, =f if FA; <H or T» 2 (19)
otherwise accept H, with a significance level equals o, 4 a2.
The symmetry of the distribution can also be verified by the
Wilcozon Signed Rank Test which is reported in the follow-
ing. In this context we will differentiate in two cases:
Case 1: the condition of symmetry is accepted
Verify that the median y so = 0. Then apply the two-tailed
Wilcoxon signed rank test
H, : = 0
Hi:yso = p
If H, = 0 then it follows for the symmetry condition
ÿ=0 (21)
and therefore systematic and gross errors are not present
within the population with significance level œ. The test
statistic T equals the sum of the ranks assigned to those
values of y, > 0 - Vi 1,2, ..., m.
Tu m (22)
where R; = 0 if y; < 0 and R; equals the rank asigned to
positive values of yj.
As a decision rule we have to reject H, at a level of sig-
nificance o if T' exceeds w,_a/2 Or if T' is less than wa/2- If
T is between wa/2 and w,_a/2 OF equal to either quantile,