VIII.Karabakhian high mountainian-volca-
nic highlan,IX.Gyamish-Shah@agian ones: N V VI^ viz VIII IX
dene arithmetical? Sei. >, Se 1 6 7 8 9 40 C
= - 4. 54414 40,05 35,38 44.2 36 78:05 20
where 2 5; sum of square d the indi 16.42 18,33 8.64 11.89 50.67
vidual® ad genetical groups of landscape 2 fa 20:37 5 on 129.6
m +2 * e 45. YA à
types in square km., A/-is the number of % 4085 1.06 C$ 3.83 4153 200
conturs; 1:17 2207 2401 1.09 1.99
Gi square variation: 4, 2205:0512 000008 0684 1,28 2.34
$ quam IN -1)1* 9:71. 5.2015... 2.25... „1490 7 5.97
' (Si 89))/ C )j* 5, 11.58 2.03 4.15 3.00 #2
série of variation: "e Coo Oipg a MESS
v=Ô/ 0er 7, Qu? 9.25 0.29 ool 77
. . +63 4 «81 1
4.Coefficient assigns ry} Ss 0234 0040 0.77 sn 0157
Ka 5 (S:9.:)/ W^ 8. 9.91 6.48 1.17 3,81 — 4.57 BE
5.Coefficient excess: 1571 16,50 2074 8.54 — 20,52
Ke= xi Ay 4
6.RepreSentativity COefriciont excess? , S
Pe - 4 W(v-2)w-3y(-D ees) | mr e er
79Representativity coefficient acsimmetry i metry of the territories
z §
Pa= {6 (v -(We1)(v«3))* | 4C
BoThe a value of true the of assimmetry:
- Ka/P, ;
9.The value of truth of excesss ;
Received amounts of the above mentioned
characteristics on physico-geographical
regions are given in the folloving table,
In the table each first line of coeffici- :
ents concerns to genetic groups of types |
of landscapes and the second line to in-
dividual ones,
Number Physical-Geosraphical Regions 2
of cha- : i
racter, : et
mat.Stat, 7 IT TI Iv as en
4 2 3 4 5
4. 84.15 77.96 87:76 55414
2. 39.24 28,92 194.52 130 34
Ze 134,50 100,41 104.89 67 «14
71.77 34,40 23,60 14419
2, 1.60 1e 29 1.19 1424
1285. 1419. 1424 1.06
4, 2,08 2:69 1.68 1.62 7
5.61 2.38 2,48 2.87
be 8,49 6.94 0,98 2.915
53463 6:05 16,55 13.29
6. 0,41 0,45 0.48 O. 39
0.28 0,27 0.24 0.15
7. 080 0,35 0,94 0.65 88:
0.56": 0,54 0,48 0, 30
8. 0.52 6.20 3.48 2,23
19.82 8.72 14.40 19.23
9. 10.62 8. 30 1,05 9.12