Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

this we can distinguish edges created by geometric and ra- 
diometric discontinuities in the object space, by comparing 
the scale space of the image to the scale spaces of the object 
Scale space can be used to represent two dimensional sig- 
nals in various resolutions. This representation can thus be 
used for images as well as for radiometric and/or geomet- 
ric descriptions of the object space. It is structured and 
explorable and it can offer valuable assistance in various 
photogrammetric processes. 
The concept of scale space provides the theoretical founda- 
tion for hierarchical implementation of digital photogram- 
metric tasks, allowing otherwise cumbersome and time con- 
suming modules to be performed quickly and effectively. For 
instance, automatic stereopair orientation can be performed 
using digital image pyramids to effectively lead the results 
to continuously improving accuracies [Schenk et al., 1991]. 
However, besides implementing some modules in a hierar- 
chical fashion, scale space theory can also be used to refine 
the performance of well-established processes, such as least 
squares matching and orthophoto production. By investi- 
gating the differential scale variations which exist between 
conjugate features in different images, we can deduce a scale- 
adapting matching process aiming at the optimization of 
least squares matching. In orthophoto production, we can 
bring features to the same radiometric and geometric level 
of scale space, thus eliminating discrepancies and improving 
its overall performance. 
In general, the advantage of using scale space theory to rep- 
resent the object space is twofold. Signals describing the 
object space can be stored in a compact yet efficient way 
by recording their discontinuities through scale space and 
in addition, image and object space can be directly com- 
pared and semantic information can be extracted from this 
[1] Agouris P., Schenk A.F. & Stefanidis A. (1989) Zero- 
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[4] Chakreyavanich U. (1991) Regular DEM Data Com- 
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Breakline Detection Method, Report No. 412, Dept. of 
Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University. 
[5] Doorn B.D. (1991) Multi-Scale Surface Reconstruction 
in the Object Space, Report No. 413, Dept. of Geodetic 
Science, The Ohio State University. 
[6] Lindeberg T. (1990) Scale-Space for Discrete Signals, 
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine 
Intelligence, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 234-254. 
[7] Lu Y. & Jain R.C. (1989) Behavior of Edges in Scale 
Space, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Ma- 
chine Intelligence, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 337-356. 
[8] Novak K. (1992) Rectification of Digital Imagery, Pho- 
togrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 58, 
No. 3, pp. 339-344. 
[9] Schenk A.F., Li J.C. & Toth C. (1991) Towards an 
Autonomous System for Orienting Digital Stereopairs, 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 
57, No. 8, pp. 1057-1064. 
[10] Weaver J.H. (1983) Applications of Discrete and Con- 
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[11] Witkin A.P. (1983) Scale-Space Filtering, Proceedings 
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[12] Yuille A.L. & Poggio T. (1983) Fingerprints Theorems 
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