ts of
three-dimensional geometry of the scene, is
the correspondence (stereo matching)
problem. According to the space where the
matching takes place, the existing techniques
for solving the correspondence problem
roughly fall into two categories: image space
based and object space based. In the image
space based matching, the primitives of one
image are compared with ones on the another
image. Many solutions to the matching have
been proposed in the image space. The
methods vary with different choice of
primitives: area-based (intensity-based),
feature-based and structure-based (relational
matching). Recently, several articles are
devoted to the object space based matching.
This method emerged originally from the task
of reconstructing digital terrain model from a
pair of digital images, independently
developed by Wrobel [Wrobel] and Helava
[Helava], etc. Helava used the concept of
"groundel" as a unit in object space similar to
the "pixel" in the image space. The image
intensities corresponding to each groundel can
be analytically computed, if all pertinent
geometric and radiometric parameters
(including groundel reflectance, etc.) are
known. A least square method is adopted to
determine a set of unknown quantities or
improvements to their approximate values
used in the analytical prediction process.
The mapping of 3-D structure into 2-D
description is formulated by the concept
"aspect graph" which was introduced by
Koenderink and van Doorn [Koenderink]
[Gigus], based on the idea of using the aspect
graph of topologically distinct views of an
object to represent its shape. Informally, at
each vertex of the aspect graph there is a view
- an aspect - that is representative of the
projections of the object from a connected set
of viewpoints from which the object appears
qualitatively similar. Two aspects are adjacent
in the graph if the corresponding sets of
viewpoints are adjacent. A visual event is said
to occur when the view changes as the
observer moves between adjacent sets.
Control mechanism
For a complex system, a control mechanism is
always required to control the reactions on the
components as well as the ones between the
components inside the system. In Fig.1, such control
mechanism is monitored by a database which has
the description of two kinds of knowledge, that is,
knowledge about objects and about analysis tools
(Le. image analysis techniques). The control
structure concerns the model to integrate diverse
levels and control the proper information flow and
scheme. The characteristics of image and
specification and requirement from the application
can also be integrated. This is sometimes regarded
as "knowledge-based image processing system"
[Matsuyama,87,89] [Nicolin].
In the last section, we have proposed a architecture
for an integrated image analysis. We want to
emphasis on the interactive reactions between
different levels or layers. The operations from low
layer to high layers have been addressed in a lot of
literature. In our research, we are interested to
integrate the information from high layers into low
layers' operations. In order to do so, we must
answer the following theoretic questions:
1) What kind of knowledge can be integrated
in low and middle-level processing.
2) What is the proper language which can
describe the information from different layers
on the common ground.
We here examine the several tools or criterion
provided by probability theory and information
The Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) criterion selects
the best solution on the model X that maximizes the
conditional probability of the model given the data
Y: P(X/Y) The MAP criterion leads to three
important estimation methods, namely Bayes
Estimation (BE), Maximum Likehood (ML), and
Least Square (LS).
applying Bayes' theorem gives
P(X/Y) = P(Y/X)P(X)/P(Y)
where P(Y/X) is the conditional probability of
getting data Y given the model X and P(X) the priori
probability of the model X. If we assume P(Y) is
constant, maximizing P(X/Y) is equivalent to
maximize the
which is the principle of Bayesian Estimation.
Further, under the specification that the priori
probability P(X) are all the same (constant), the MAP
criterion leads to the simpler maximum likehood
principle of maximizing
If the random variables to which the data Y refer are
normally distributed, the maximum likehood
method will give the same results as the least