Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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or directly from the human being in charge of the 
If the complexity of the situation so requires or if 
one is trying to detect structural gross errors, the 
above procedure could be done even interactively. 
From Section 3, Section 4 and from [3] it seems pos- 
sible to set up a discrete model for the classical [least 
squares] adjustment of general networks. All the in- 
formation required for the model is contained in the 
hypergraph associated to the functional model design 
hypermatrix (block matrix). In particular, operations 
like formation of reduced normal equations, formation 
of nested dissection blocks and partial elimination of 
unknown groups can be formulated as pure [general- 
ized] numbering/elimination operations on graphs. 
It is quite clear that for some of the concepts 
and the results presented here to become practica- 
ble (recall Section 6.4) key problems are still to be 
solved; considerable research is still to be done both 
in the theoretical and applied sides. This is, there- 
fore, just an intermediate paper though some of its 
ideas have been already applied at the Institut Car- 
tografic de Catalunya in the development of the Geo- 
TeX system [4]. (More details, practical motivation 
and proofs to all statements made here can be found 
in [3].) 
Last but not least, it will be more than enough if 
the paper contributes to the growing feeling that tech- 
niques from discrete mathematics can be of help for 
a new generation of photogrammetric/geodetic proce- 
dures and software, even in the almost old-fashioned 
field of network adjustment. 
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[2] Bryant,V.,Perfect,H.,1980. Independence theory 
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[3] Colomina,l., 1991. Structural aspects of hy- 
brid networks in geodesy and photogrammetry. 
Ph.D. dissertation, Departament de Matematica 
Aplicada i Analisi, Universitat de Barcelona, 
[4] Colomina,l.,Navarro,J.A.,Térmens,A.,1992. 
GeoTeX: a general point determination system. 
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