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Some parts of the inference engine like backtracking
are given within the Prolog library while the others are
written by the "knowledge engineer" who was identical
with the human expert in this project.
We can imagine the work of inference engine as it
searches the solution relentnessly from top to the
bottomin both sides of Fig.1.
The ES written under Borland's Turbo Prolog uses a
.DBA file which consists.of facts while the rules are
imbedded into the AIRPHOT.EXE file. The data used for
investigation are collected in an internal knowledge base
which is called onto the main program at the start of
executing. The internal data base has its own advant-
ages and restrictions. Opposed to external data
handling the acces times may be shorter but the main
program cannot handle more than one thousand
Missions taking into account 640 KB memory.The pro-
gram sends message about the free memory existing
forfurther data input. The Prolog itself allowes develop-
ing external data base as well but it needs longer
acces times. The facts are organized into groups con-
taining dataoffilmtest sensitometry, description of me-
teorological situations,on-board data of photography,
laboratory data of photographic development,control
sensitometry, image densitometry and optional data of
3.1. Preliminary Test Sensitometry.
When the aerial film material arrives into the stock, the
sensitometric data are investigated and compared to
the data sent by the film manufacturer. The values
Stored in facts are:No of emulsion, Type of
emulsion,Dfog, Gamma and Speed. The facts may be
referred 5y the
No. of emulsion.
3.2. Descriptionof Meteorological Condition and
The photographic staff characterize the haze and
smoke conditions in situ which influence the image
quality . These are judged value of horizontal sight, the
type of clouds and cloud cover if they are present,
the verbai description of visibility. Most important is the
judgement of horizontal sight, while the other para-
meters are used in the descriptive part of the report.
3.3. On-board Photographic Data,
The on-board photographic data are collected in se-
parate facts. These consist of the most important
photographic data which are used for description of
the mission or partly for qualification. The input data
arethe No. of mission, No.of emulsion, date and time of
the mission,type of field, flight height, data of exposure
and the names of the flying staff. The data will appear
in the descriptive part of the Report, only the flight
height related to the horizontal sight will be evaluated.
The on-board photographic data may be achieved by
the No. of Mission.
3.4. Data of Photog raphic Development.
The data of photographic developments are stored in
development facts. The characteristic data are the
No. of Mission, Type of processor, type of developer
solution, time and temperature and the name of the
responsible laboratory personnel. The dataare usedin
the descriptive part of the Report.
3.5. Data of Control Sensitometry and Image
The data of control sensitometry and image densito-
metry are collected in the after development clauses,
whose are identified also withthe No. of Mission. These
are the control gamma, control speed,Dfog, Dmin,
Dmax. These data together with the test sensitometry
play an important role in this program so that these
dataare essential for the evaluation. (Boberg,A.,1988.)
3.6. Datalnput from Edge Gradient Analysis.
The ES is prepared to use data optionally collected out
of a separate program protocol of EGA on line measur-
ing program developed for aerial photographs before.
The parameters are the height/diameter ratio of Line
Spread funtion, and the factor of the MTF which is
calculated by linear regression, before the MTF is line-
arized withtwo fold logaritmisation.
3.7. Some Remarks to the Knowledge Base
The ES deals with the knowledge base development
as well. The knowledge base has to content reliable
data, otherwise the decisions will fail. The data collec-
tion has to accomodate to the on-board protocol
usual in different countries and organisations, so that
slight modification of the program may be necessary.
But the fundamental data of test and control sensito-
metry and image densitometry may not be absent.
Themain programis preparedfor correcting and delet-
ing of data inthe knowledge base as well.
Now we have already understood that the ES needs
some slight modifications before it is transported, be-
causeithas noShelllike adaptability.
The other part of the System is the collection of the
expert rules summarized in the left side of Fig.1. The
rules follow the thoughts of a "tame" expert when he
studies the on-board and laboratory protocols in order
to investigate the film quality and rank it into classes.
The computer makes the same: the facts placed in
the knowledge base are investigated with the rules
built into the main program. Conclusions are drown
and appear in the Report.
The expert rules may be divided into two main groups.
In the first one the data are interpreted and explained
a bit more freely in order to stimulate the personnel for
thinking continually in technological processes refining
them with "tiny steps".
The second part of rules contains the national regula-
tionforrankingfilms into one of four quality groups.