Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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APPENDIX 1. College for Land Survey 
and County Planning 
H.U N G ^A R Y 
by the AIRPHOT Expert System. 
I was requested to qualify the No. 9-033 Film. 
I can tell you the following: 
The Film was made by Mr.Vajner-Bene from not commented area onto b&w Film 
with Em No. 572-12 at flight height 9OO m. 
The day and time of the flight is : 09.04.08 ,11.15-11.21. 
The YHD-type plane was flown by Mr.Kemény-Halász, and was navigated 
by Mr.Gyóürgyi. 
The Mission was made at 180 km/h flying speed with type 2092 camera 
and with Uagl52 cone. 
The 6 km horizontal sight was estimated visually which is -rounded- 
7-*old of the flight height. 
The verbal description of atmospheric conditions and clouds type was 
no comment and no comment respectively. 
The cloud cover was characterized with the octa number i.e. O/8. 
There was a proposition of the photographers for developing: no comment. 
The film was developed by Mr.Mayer on Versamat processor in DK-50 
solution at 20 C ,8 Min. 
After the developing the density range of the film was measured. 
The characteristic values are: 
control DO = 0.21 test DO= 0.1 
Dmin= 0.48 
Dmax = 1.57 
SD = 1.09. 
log 6E-0.83 
The value of control Gamma = 1.32 The value of test Gamma= 1.28. 
The 28 Din control Speed and 30 Din preliminary test Speed were compared. 
The description of the film acuity is:sharp. 
The edge function was not measured. 
Ihe evaluation of No. 9-033 Film is : 
The No. 9-033 was exposed at 4ó km horizontal sight 
and received no comment description about the atmospheric conditions. 
The visual acuity was described with the key word:sharp. 
The Film is exposed correctly because the 0.27 value of Dmin is within 
the optimal 0.2-0.3 D range. 
The Film is slightly overdeveloped because the value of control Gamma has 
increased from 1.28 to 1.32 while the Speed has changed 
from 30 to 28. 
The density range of the Film with its 1.09 8D value falls into the optimal 
range 0.9-1.3 6D according to the need of analog or digital processing. 
GENERAL QUALIFICATION: The Film is Good quality. 
Székesfehérvár 4.3.1992. 
AIRPHOT Expert System 

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