Table 1: Proposed Datums
GIS Region Datum/Horizontal Remarks
Global Entire Earth A OS
Regional Africa African Datum Rename and Adjust
» Asia Asian Datum Rename and Adjust
" Australia Australian Datum "d -——-—
x Europe European Datum Include the former
USSR and Readjust
a North America NADS83 +++ => io) Pre
= South America South American Datum Readjust
Local GIS Entire Earth Same as for Regional | -————
Datum/Reference Surface
The first thing to be considered in GIS planning is to choose
a datum for referencing information
into a location (longitude, latitude, X, Y) and elevation
(from mean sea level, i.e., orthometric height or from the
reference ellipsoid, i.e., ellipsoidal height). There are about
fourteen main reference ellipsoids used around the world for
surveying and mapping purposes. Selection of the
appropriate reference ellipsoid for location and vertical
datum for elevation affects the accuracy of GIS products.
Many geodesists suggest a globally best fitting geocentric
ellipsoid for the earth. Because of heterogeneous
distributions of geodetic controls in different continents, one
datum would not fit better regionally for all the continents.
Therefore, seven different geocentric datums (six for six
continents, and one for global coverage) have been suggested
for global, regional, and local GIS (Table 1).
The vertical datum should be one geoid for the entire Earth,
and all height computations should be based on that one
vertical datum.
Selection of Mapping Plane (Map Projection)
The second step in planning a GIS is selection of a suitable
mapping plane. Approximately 27 different types of map
projections have been used around the world for surveying
and mapping purposes. An appropriate combination of
reference curved and plane surfaces can produce an optimal
GIS. An unmatched mapping surface could cause severe
errors in coordinates [Acharya, 1990].
Map Scales and Map Numbering
An optimal surveying and mapping system is an integrated
GIS. The task of making an integrated GIS is almost
impossible and cost ineffective if different agencies within a
region or zone use different reference frames, and base
maps. To obtain an integrated GIS, a well defined reference
frame and map numbering system must be adopted within
countries or states or zones by all agencies where GIS work
is performed. For detailed explanation please refer to
[Acharya, 1990].
Geodetic Control
A minimum of three control points are needed to uniquely
define the mapping plane surface, i.e., to tie the map frame
to the map projection plane and ultimately to the reference
surface (datum). If mapping is to be done at a scale of
1:500, then control stations are needed for about every 200
meters [Acharya, 1990]. This means a very large number of
control stations are needed for a large scale GIS. These
stations are needed to present map features in correct
relationship to each other, to the reference surface, and,
ultimately, to the earth’s surface. Two kinds of control
stations are needed, horizontal and vertical. These controls
maintain correct scale, position and orientation of the map.
The horizontal as well as vertical control points become the
framework on which map details are compiled. An accurate
and optimal framework also permits map details to edge
match perfectly from one sheet to the next and also to
prepare mosaics or seamless maps. An example of
minimum numbers of geodetic controls required for regional
GIS is computed and given in Table 2.
From Table 2, one can see how huge numbers of geodetic
control points are still needed to cover the continental area
of the Earth. Without the use of GPS technology, another
half century may be needed to accomplish this task. The
number of geodetic controls required for the local type of
GIS increases exponentially but local GIS may not cover the
entire country or region. Usually local GIS are prepared for
urban areas and areas of special interest. The number
geodetic controls required depends upon the scale of base
maps to be prepared.
This is a major component of a GIS system. Information is
collected using three techniques:
® ground survey method
® photogrammetric method (airborne)
® remote sensing (air and space borne)
Digital cartographic data is generated by digitizing
conventional hard-copy maps, photogrammetric
stereocompilation, softcopy photogrammetry (digital
photogrammetry), satellite remote sensing, and different