Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

is used by us to generate initial approximate 
orientation parameters along orbital paths. We 
conclude that fewer than 10 ground control points 
are quite enough for space resection (Chen and 
Lee,1990). It is interesting to note that the re- 
section procedure is equally applicable to a sin- 
gle SPOT scene or to multiple scenes in stere- 
oscopy. As far as improvements on additional 
self-calibrating parameters are concerned more 
research on our part is necessary. 
One of the purposes in studying our integrated 
model for image matching and 3D positioning 
is to test its applicability to spaceborne stereo 
imagery. We know there is an advantage in theo- 
retical analysis on error propagation; it is a wor- 
thy trade-off when thinking about rather heavy 
computational loads. Another advantage inher- 
ent in the integrated approach is automatic gen- 
eration of orthographic (sub-)images along with 
that of a dense digital elevation model. Cur- 
rently, we must impose weights in form of a di- 
agonal matrix on unknown height parameters of 
DEMs. This arises in part from the fact there 
exists locally no or little image contrast in SPOT 
sub-images. Therefore, our on-going research ef- 
forts are led to 
- determine in image preprocessing weighting 
functions that allow for gray-value contrast, 
textures or features in (sub-)images; 
- design regional radiometric parameters to re- 
place two global parameters ro, r1 in Eq.(3b); 
- discover methods of interpolation more realis- 
tic than those by non-differentiable, contin- 
uous piecewise linear or patchwise bilinear 
- as a long-term goal correct radiometrically for 
atmospheric effects and terrain effects to ar- 
rive at normalized reflectance images for pho- 
togrammetric multi-point positioning. 
At last, we kindly acknowledge the research funds 
provided by the Sinotech Foundation for Re- 
search and Development of Engineering Sciences 
and Technologies. 
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