Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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2.1 Generality 
Usually, in a same organization, there are several dif- 
ferent groups involved in point determination tasks; 
namely, the geodesists, the photogrammetrists, the 
remote sensing specialists and the surveyors. There 
is no difference whether referring to ppm, % of flying 
height, um, or pizel; they all perform similar com- 
putations to estimate position, orientation and other 
parameters. For each group, there is usually a dif- 
ferent software system as well. This redundancy, be- 
sides being an increase in software costs, implies some 
additional complexity in data transfers and commu- 
nication between processes. The situation is even in 
contradiction with the current evolution of technol- 
ogy towards more heterogeneous systems and proce- 
dures. Examples are the GPS supported aerial tri- 
angulation, the convergence of digital photogramme- 
try and remote sensing, and the democratization of 
geodetic surveying with the advent of GPS. 
Since the statistical, functional and structural ab- 
stract concepts are the same for any set of obser- 
vations —indeed, an elementary statement from ad- 
justment theory—, the natural solution to the above 
mentioned problems is the development of general 
point determination systems. These systems are 
built around general network adjustment programs.! 
Credit for a remarkable and early realization of this 
idea goes to A.A Elassal and his GALS software 
system [8]. At the ICC the idea has been real- 
ized through the development of the GeoTeX system, 
whose heart is the general network adjustment pro- 
gram ACX (see [4] for a first and short description 
and application). 
The above discussion related to generality can be 
summarized in two items: a design concept and a 
realistic goal set to be achieved in the particular im- 
plementation of GeoTeX/ACX. 
Design concept: definitions of observable, condi- 
tion and parameter polymorphic abstract data type 
must be available; any particular abstract type of ob- 
servable, condition and parameter must fit the former 
Realistic goal: that the system and the adjustment 
program be able to handle any combination of obser- 
vations of the geodetic, photogrammetric, SPOT and 
D'TM-surface type (in a 3 dimensional space). 
2.2 Adaptability 
Some commercial and operational software packages 
exhibit certain difficulties in keeping pace with tech- 
lTn the photogrammetric literature general network adjust- 
ment programs are usually referred to as combined adjustment 
nological and scientific progress. This constitutes a 
major inconvenience for users, specially for those in- 
volved in continous testing of new instruments, pro- 
cedures or models.2 
Moreover, it is quite frustrating that advanced 
users, perfectly aware of the mathematics of their 
experiments, cannot extend the software to fit their 
As in the former section, the above remarks lead to 
the following design and implementation items. 
Design concept: The user must be allowed to define 
observable, condition and parameter new abstract 
data types. (Actually, ACX has been developed in 
this way by the authors.) 
Realistic goal: that the addition of new models take 
only the formal definition of the observable and new 
parameters involved (definition of the particular ob- 
servable and parameter abstract data types), the cod- 
ing of the observation equations and their jacobian 
matrix, and linking; that very limited knowledge of 
the software be essential for the extension of the mod- 
2.3 Portability 
Moving from one platform to another is unavoidable 
for many reasons: different collaborating organiza- 
tions might have different platforms, the optimal de- 
velopment platform might not be the optimal produc- 
tion platform, the optimal field platform (PC) might 
not be the optimal office platform, the optimal plat- 
form today might not be the optimal platform tomor- 
row, etc. 
Therefore, from the overall software architecture to 
the programming habits, portability has to be a main 
concern. It is a fact that highly qualified profession- 
als waste too much time in transferring software to 
different platforms and plotting devices. 
A last observation is that contrary to classic al- 
gorithmic programming languages, which happen to 
have well established standards, Graphic User Inter- 
faces (GUI) are troublesome for scientific program- 
mers and analysts. Actually, GUI standards appear 
to be competition weapons between manufacturers 
(see, for instance, [11]) rather than tools to easy the 
work of developers. 
As before, two summarizing ideas are highlighted. 
Design concept: define levels of interface complex- 
ity, built upon the same data structures, in such a 
7In the opinion of the authors, it is a misunderstanding 
that operational software mean stiff software; and conversely, 
that “flexible” research oriented software mean a poor user 

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