Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Thus, when the advanced user wants to implement 
a new model, she/he has just to edit the files within 
the dashed boxes; the two mentioned files (the ma- 
jor task) and other 5 remaining files (minor details 
like output formats that are not absolutely necessary 
since ACX will make default decisions). Then she/he 
has to program a FORTRAN subroutine for the ob- 
servation equations and their derivatives according to 
certain calling conventions; this subroutine is added 
to the ACX object module library and a new exe- 
cutable module is generated. The pure photogram- 
metric or geodetic engineer or scientist needs to know 
very few about the program and just nothing about 
the discrete and I/O modules. 
GeoTeX is an operational photogrammetric/geodetic 
point determination system. Besides research, it is 
supporting production projects in geodesy and de- 
velopment projects in photogrammetry; the SPOT 
model is undergoing implementation in collaboration 
with the authors' colleagues of the Remote Sensing 
Group and with the team of the Lehrstuhi für Pho- 
togrammetrie und Fernerkundung at the Technichal 
University in Munich [9]. 
There are two missing pieces in the system. One 
is the interface to the photogrammetric, geodetic, to- 
pographic and other data bases which, with the ex- 
ception of the topographic —DTM— data base, are 
undergoing definition. 
The other missing piece of software is a level 2 in- 
terface (Section 5.2) which requires a GUI system in- 
cluding a GS. 
Last, with the new generation of digital photogram- 
metric stereo workstations, à closer integration of the 
point determination system and the measuring in- 
struments is foreseen. The stereoscopic display ca- 
pabilities and the new fast hardware might change 
some working routines in the sense of easier network 
analysis and, in many cases, almost real time adjust- 
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