Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

If the two lines should be parallel then (12) becomes 
Idil Idi4l (1 -(e+f+g)) = 0 (13) 
and for perpendicular lines we get 
| d; | | d;41 | (e+f+g) = 0 (14) 
Two lines will intersect in a point, if the coplanary 
CS) -51), dy, dy | = 0 (15) 
is fullfilled. The last constraint is the intersection of 
more than two lines in a point. The coplanarity 
constraint (15) is not sufficient when three or more 
lines have to intersect in one point. À point P on a line 
is described by 
P= 5; + ti di (16) 
where i = 1,..,n and n is the number of lines inter- 
secting in point P. To describe the point P common to 
all lines, (n-1) conditions are necessary: 
$1 * 4 dq S, * t d» 
S1 + ty dj = S3 + ts d3 
" (17) 
S1 + t dy s Si * tj d, 
The main difference between the conditions in (17) 
and all others, is the introduction of the new para- 
meters t;. The scalars t; locate the intersection point P 
on each line L,. Point S2f(6,6,r) and direction 
d -f(6, 9, y). 
For the calculation of the four line parameters a mini- 
mal number of four measured image points in at least 
two images are necessary. Normally much more than 
these four points will be measured. This leads to an 
overdetermined problem, which can be solved by a 
general least square adjustment method. The copla- 
general least square adjustment method. The copla- 
narity relationship (7) gives one condition equation for 
each measured image point. This relationship is non- 
linear and a function of the measured image coor- 
dinates x y of each image line point and the four 
unknowns 6, 6, r, y : 
F = f[SCö,oö,r), d(8,0,y), m(x,y)] (19 
Equation (18) is linearised by a Taylor serie using only 
the linear terms. The linearised coplanarity condition 
Fo + (=) dx + (S dy + E dô 
+ Goo * (Se: * e m (19) 
Expressing the unknown residuals (dx, dy) of the 
measurements by vector Al, the parameter 
corretions ( dó , d$, dr, dy ) by vector Ax and using a 
matrix formulation results in 
BA A Ax +wy = 0 (20) 
yi RUES 
B = x , ay ) , 
e T tm] 
t o 
WB i tA x; 
Vector 1 contains the measured image coordinates and 
vector x the approximated parameters. Assuming that 
the measurements are normal distributed and not cor- 
related a diagonal weight matrix P is introduced. The 
introduction of geometric constraints, concerning 
separate lines investigated in chapter (2.3), leads to an 
expansion of the least square model (20) with 
Ar Axi. wy = 0 (21) 
Finally we get 
BA ALAVA wıl= 0 (22a) 
A, Ax ++ Wa: =: 0 (22b) 
. L ; . 
The matrix A, include the derivations of one or 
several of the equations from chapter 2.3 with respect 
to dó, d$, dr, dy. The solution of this adjustment 
problem is 
ee Mut JJ. m —-» | ] ^1 ^ bue Pee ad eed A

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