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Figure 1 : Relation between data, information and knowledge.
e graphic transforms : information describing the graphical
representation of the objects under a certain theme. These
are symbol types, line styles, fill modes etc.
The data in a GIS are represented in the following logical data
models (R. Bill and D. Fritsch, 1991). Hierarchical or CODA-
SYL models are often used to store and maintain the geometry
and topology in a GIS. Relational data models, the standard in
commercial databases, are more and more used to handle the at-
tribute data in a GIS. In some cases also the geometry and topol-
ogy is stored and treated in relational form. Object-oriented data
models is one of the most often used keywords in GIS, which is in
most cases misused if one follows the definition of computer sci-
entists. Object-oriented data models will be of importance in the
future for GIS. Today there are only a limited number of products
available on the market which are partially object-oriented. The
term 'object-oriented' should, therefore, be illustrated in more
detail following the computer-sciences (for further references see
R. Bill and D. Fritsch (1992)). They are separating three types of
object-oriented data models : the structural, the behavioural and
the fully object-oriented systems mainly differing with respect to
flexibility. Structural object-oriented systems are able to handle
complex objects as an atom in a data base having predefined
operators for these data types. Behavioural object-oriented sys-
tems support the definition of application specific data types and
operators, so called methods. Fully object-oriented systems are
combining the properties of both types of data models. An ob-
ject consists of data and methods. The object itself is a small
world in its own (called encapsulation). The object structure and
behaviour may only be manipulated with the methods belonging
to the object. A message is send via a channel to manipulate
the encapsulated object which is illustrated in figure 2. Object-
oriented systems are having close relations to some concepts of
knowledge representation, which we will discuss afterwards.
2.1 Types of knowledge
Various types of knowledge are illustrated in figure 3, which
should not be seen as disjunct sets but as correlative forms of
knowledge. In addition the figure tries to illustrate what types
of knowledge are implicitely or explicitely describable in a GIS.
In particular the implicit form of knowledge is written down in
the data model and the procedural flow of the GIS. GIS related
examples for the various form of knowledge are given in detail in
R. Bill (1991). Beside the contradictionary knowledge all other
forms of knowledge could (and should) be integrated in a GIS.
Today the assumption of completeness and exactness in the GIS-
data model and the GIS-procedures are neglecting all types of
uncertain and incomplete knowledge.
2.2 Architecture of knowledge-based systems
In a knowledge-based system the knowledge base is the major
part of the system; there the rules of type ’If - then’ are stored. In
GIS-products one can find knowledge about rule-based relations
and prototypical knowledge integrated in a procedural manner.
The integration of fuzzy knowledge would be usefull for certain
applications. Figure 4 shows the design of a knowledge-based sys-
tem compared to a conventional program system: the last may
stand for the typical GIS-product. One can easily see the differ-
ence lying in the flexibility of the problem solving strategy and
in the domain specific knowledge which are integrated parts of a
knowledge-based system. This would make it much more flexible
to design an application-specific GIS. But the problem today is
that the architecture of GIS-products is not very flexible. GIS to-
day completely belong to the group of conventional programming
systems. T'his leads to the current situation of knowledge integra-
tion in GIS, where the knowledge part is completely done outside
the GIS. The GIS is seen as a data capture and maintainance tool
with the ability of visualizing results. To make use of the devel-
opment of knowledge-based systems the procedural design of a
GIS needs to be replaced with the inference-mechanism of an
expert system, heuristical problem solving approaches instead of
fix-coded procedural ones are to be integrated.
2.3 Knowledge acquisition
Usually in an application domain, which intends to make use of
GIS technology, the whole expertise i.e. the knowledge about the
application is with the application specialists. Thus, the carrier
of the knowledge is not the GIS developper and, in some cases
also, not the GIS user. The problem is to transfer the knowledge
of the application specialists to the one who is responsible for