K. Kraus
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, The Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
ISPRS Commission IV
Geographical information such as elevations or immission, is most often represented either as vectors, e.g. isolines,
Or as raster, e.g. density slicing. Here, the precision of the representation is dealt with. Special attention is paid to
the accuracy of secondary forms of information such as terrain slopes as derived from DEMs. For a mathematical
analysis, synthetic surfaces are employed. As a conclusion, new ways are shown to visualize the quality of
geographical data.
Key words: Accuracy, Data Quality, DEM, Theory, Visualisation
This paper is dealing only with geographical data such
to be represented by some function of land coordinates.
In other words, the value of the function, Z, is a
function of X and Y, i.e. Z(XY). The mathematical form
of function Z(XY) is not regarded here. The function
must be continuous. The first derivatives Z',(XY) and
Z' (XY) may, however, show discontinuity. This means
thát the surface represented by Z(XY) contains break
Function Z(XY) may describe immissions of some
polluting substance, terrain elevations, etc. Without
limiting generality, let us consider the special case of
function Z(XY) describing the terrain surface.
In our time, geographical data are stored in geographical
information systems (GIS). Until recently, little attention
has been paid to the quality of data and of derived
products. A first step in the right direction is to store,
alongside with the function values, their accuracy - i.e.
introducing into the GIS standard deviations o,.
Many GISs possess the capability to derive isolines of
the function Z(XY), i.e. Z(XY) =const. Isolines are then
intersected with other data such as cadastral
boundaries. Sometimes, isolines of different functions
are intersected with each other. In these cases,
accuracy characteristics in form of c, are of no use;
what is needed is rather the accuracy of isolines in the
XY plane, i.e. Gon: This accuracy can be obtained as:
Applying such accuracy characteristics it becomes
possible to derive the accuracy of areas as deduced,
using formulae in (Prisley et al., 1989).
Op = 0,/tana = 0, * AZ, / AZ (1)
tan a Maximum terrain slope at the point in
AZ ... )lsoline interval (usually constant over the
entire area of interest)
Distance to the neighbouring isolines in
the XY-plane (AZ, varies along the
We have to give careful consideration to the distance
AZ, of neighbouring isolines. It may become very large.
As a consequence, the standard deviation c,, of isolines
may become very large, as well. And, therefore,
processes of intersection with isolines may yield bad or
even unacceptable results. It has to be emphasized at
this point that the above conclusion is valid for applying
isoline information, i.e. Z(XY) = const, in any form, both
vector or raster (a way similar to density slicing).
The above problem will be examined here from various
points of view. We start in chapter 2 with considering
the behaviour of distances between neighbouring
isolines of analytical surfaces. In this, dealing with
derived surfaces is of special interest. In chapter 3,
function Z(XY) and its derivatives become stochastic
variables; this means taking into account accidental
errors 0,, and creating in GIS accuracy models in parallel
to the corresponding functional ones. Visualising the
quality of geographical data is prevalent in chapter 3.