Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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The terrain objects occur at the lowest level of the 
classification hierarchy. They can be seen as the elementary 
objects within the thematic field represented by the 
classification system. This implies that the decision, whether 
certain terrain objects should be considered as elementary or 
not, should always be made within the frame work of a 
thematic field. Objects that are considered as elementary in 
one thematic field should not necessarily be considered as 
elementary in another thematic field. 
The introduction of "elementary" objects implies the 
existence of composite objects. They can be defined through 
aggregation hierarchies which are quite distinct from 
classification hierarchies. 
An aggregation hierarchy shows how composite objects can 
be built from elementary objects and how these composite 
objects can be put together to build more complex objects 
and so on. Suppose that we have houses, roads, parks, 
factories, office buildings and shops as elementary objects. 
From these several composite objects can be build as in 
fig. 6: 
industrial districts 
factories roads 
residential districts commercial districts 
houses roads parks shops roads office 
Fig. 6 Hierarchical relationships among elementary and 
composite objects. 
The composite objects of fig. 6 can be combined to build 
towns or cities as in fig. 7, and these can be put together to 
build urban areas. 
oo industrial commercial 
districts districts districts 
Fig. 7 Hierarchical relationship between different 
aggregation levels. 
The aggregation hierarchy has a bottom up character in the 
sense that starting from the elementary objects composites 
objects of increasing complexity are constructed in an 
upward direction. The composite objects inherit the attribute 
values from their constituents parts. 
The fact that elementary objects can be aggregated into 
composite objects implies that also their attribute values may 
be aggregated. If one of the attributes of houses is the 
number of people living there, then it is easy to calculate the 
total number of inhabitants of a residential district. 
In literature on semantic modelling [Algic 1989] [Brodie 
1984] [Brodie e.a.1984] [Egenhofer e.a.1989] [Oxborrow 
€.a.1989] the upward links of the classification hierarchy 
are labelled respectively as "ISA" links and those of the 
aggregation hierarchy as "PARTOF" links. ISA links relate 
particular objects to a class and to superclasses, where the 
class and superclass will be defined by their general 
characteristics i.e. attribute structures. The PARTOF links 
relate a particular set of objects to a specific composite 
object and on to a specific more complex object and so on. 
Another distinction between the two hierarchies is that 
elementary objects belong to exactly one class, whereas they 
may belong to several composite objects. That means that 
composite object types are not necessarily disjoint. A river 
can be part of a hydrological system, which is a composite 
of rivers, lakes and streams. That river can also be part of a 
water traffic system consisting of rivers, lakes and channels. 
But that river will be part of only one hydrological system, 
i.e. an elementary object only belongs to one particular 
composite object of one type. 
Both hierarchies of the previous sections where clearly 
defined. A classification hierarchy represents a stepwise 
introduction of the attribute structure of terrain objects. An 
aggregation hierarchy is defined by the generic models 
describing how composite objects at one level are con- 
structed from the objects of the next lower level. The levels 
in the hierarchy represent objects of an increasing 
complexity. Object association form a third type of object 
sets, these are defined less sharply, they build no 
hierarchies. They are just sets of objects which do have 
something in common. This means that associations of one 
type are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Their nature can 
best be explained by some examples. 
In a road network (which might be considered as an 
aggregation), the route from town A to town B forms an 
association. The route will consist of several roads, or 
segments of roads. In its construction this association shows 
similarities with aggregations. The difference is that 
members of the route from A to B might also belong to 
other routes. Hence these routes are not mutually exclusive. 
Other examples are the set of all companies which do have 
an office in Amsterdam and all cities in which a particular 
company has an office. These two are typical examples of 
associations based on m:n relationships. 
The previous discussion suggested that (elementary) terrain 
objects should always be defined in the framework of a 
classification system. Such a system will be defined within a 
users context, which will have several aspects. The first 
aspect is the discipline or disciplines of the users, i.e. are we 
working in a cadastral environment, or soil mapping, or 
demography etc. Each discipline will have its own definition 
of terrain objects, classes and attributes. These definitions 
depend also on the scale level or other aggregation level of 
the mapping, i.e. a local level, a regional level, a national 
level or even a continental level. At each level different sets 
of elementary objects will be relevant. These different levels 
may be linked by the fact that the elementary objects at one 
level can sometimes be considered as aggregates of 

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