Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

(c) The first output of reasoning network 
is the output of the 1/2 hour 
Scofield/Oliver reasoning network. 
(d) The next output of the reasoning 
network is a function of previous 
outputs of the reasoning network and 
observed data of this case. 
(e) The reasoning network is trained. 
The convergence weights can be used 
as the weights for the 1/2 hour 
reasoning network for this special 
type or model of rainfall. 
Another case of rainfall which has the same type or 
model rainfall mentioned in (2) is chosen to retrain 
the reasoning network for getting convergence 
weights for this special type or model of rainfall. 
(a) The weights of the 1/2 hour 
reasoning network derived previously 
will be used first. 
(b) The inputs of the reasoning network 
are the 7 factors based on the 
Scofield/Oliver Technique. 
(c) The output of the reasoning network 
is a function of previous output of 
the reasoning network and 
observational data for this case. 
(d) This reasoning networks then trained. 
the new convergence weights can be 
used as the new weights of 1/2 hour 
reasoning network for this special 
type or model of rainfall. 
Repeat (5) until all the training samples are used 
for training this special type or model of rainfall 
reasoning network. The final trained result of the 
weights are the weights of 1/2 hour satellite-derived 
reasoning neural network for this special type or 
model of rainfall. 
Using the 1/2 hour satellite-derived reasoning 
neural network for testing the estimation of rainfall. 
(a) A test case which has same type or 
model of rainfall has be chosen. 
(b The 1/2 Hour Satellite-derived 
Reasoning Network is run using the 
weights from (6) to obtain the 
estimation result. 
(c) If the testing result is not good, the 
error is more than 10%, go back to 
(5) and the testing case will become 
another training case. 
(d) If the testing result is good, error is 
less than or equal to 10%, go to (7) 
and test again. 
Experimental Results of the 1/2 Hour Mesoscale 
Convective Complex (MCC) reasoning Network 
The experiment results of a 1/2 hour the MCC type 
reasoning network for the estimation of rainfall can be 
seen in Table 1. In this case, on July 19, 1985, a MCC 
located in IOWA (IA), USA. The observed rainfall was 
9.5 inches. 
The values of column S/O E are the results from the 
Xie/Scofield study (Xie and Scofield, 1988). The sum of 
the 1/2 hour estimates was 18.64 inches. The error (the 
difference between the observed data and the sum of the 
1/2 hour satellite estimates) was + 96.2%. 
The values of column MCC E are the 1/2 hour estimates 
result from the 1/2 hour MCC reasoning network of the 
ANSER system. The sum of the 1/2 hour estimation data 
was 9.43 inches. The error is only -0.74%. In this case, 
after all information had been received, the satellite- 
derived estimation of rainfall only required 2 seconds of 
HDS 9000 CPU time to execute. Therefore the weights of 
the 1/2 hour MCC Reasoning Network of ANSER are 
very good for this type of event. 
4.2 Experimental Results of the 1/2 Hour Multi- 
Clustered Linear (MCL) reasoning Network 
The experiment results of a 1/2 hour the MCL type 
reasoning network for the estimation of rainfall can be 
seen in Table 2. In this case, on August 12, 1987, a MCL 
located in Kansas (KS), USA. The observed rainfall was 
8.7 inches. 
The values of column S/O E are the results from the 
Xie/Scofield study (Xie and Scofield, 1988). The sum of 
the 1/2 hour estimates was 6.038 inches. The error (the 
difference between the observed data and the sum of the 
1/2 hour satellite estimates) was -30.6%. 
The values of column MCL E are the 1/2 hour estimates 
result from the 1/2 hour MCL reasoning network of the 
ANSER system. The sum of the 1/2 hour estimation data 
was 8.53 inches. The error is only + 1.92%. In this case, 
after all information had been received, the satellite- 
derived estimation of rainfall only required 2 seconds of 
HDS 9000 CPU time to execute. Therefore the weights of 
the 1/2 hour MCL Reasoning Network of ANSER are 
very good for this type of event. 

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