Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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with the terms gg, and gg, expressing the local gradient of 
the right image function in the z and y direction respectively 
E7/1023173) . Ogh(*n. VR) 
m e A, IM, e 
By differentiating and substituting the affine transformation 
parameters, the observation equations become 
gi(21,yL) — e(z,y) = 9R(=R,YR) + 9r,da1 + gn, 21da; 
ct gn.yrLdas t gn,db, 4- gn, vrdb; 
t gn,yrdbs (7) 
One observation equation is formed for every pair of pixels 
from the left and right image templates, resulting in a total 
of n, - ny equations for templates of size n; x n,. Using 
matrix notation we have 
—e= Az —1 (8) 
where the vector of unknowns z is 
zT = [da;, da,, das, db,, db», dbs] (9) 
and each element of the vector of observations | is of the 
l — gí(2p, yr) — gn(*«. V) (10) 
while each line of the design matrix A is 
A — [gn., QR. 1, R.VL; IR,, IR, TL; IR, YL] (11) 
The least squares solution is 
z — (ATPA) ! AT PI (12) 
with P the associated, typically diagonal, weight matrix. 
By using the transformation parameters obtained through 
the least squares solution to update the coordinates and 
resample gray values at integer grid coordinates, a new right 
image window gx(zk, yk) centered at 
al — (aj -- dai) 4- (a5 4- da;)zr 4- (a3 4- das)yr (13) 
yl z (57 + dbi) + (55 + dba)xz + (b3 + dbs )yL (14) 
is selected as conjugate of the stationary left image template 
gr(zr,yr). A new set of observation equations is formed 
and solved. In this manner, the true conjugate window 
gn(2n,yn) is identified as the window g2(z2,y2) at which 
the least squares iterated solution is converging. It is com- 
mon practice to use least squares matching as a means for 
identifying conjugate points rather than windows. Thus, we 
correspond the point (25, y&), center of the right image win- 
dow, to the point (zr, yr) of the left image. The maximum 
allowable pixel coordinate difference between the initial ap- 
proximation and the final solution for which the technique 
can still converge is termed pull-in range. 
The great advantage of least squares matching is its flexi- 
bility and the fact that it is a well-known and documented 
technique. The basic model which has been described here 
can easily be expanded to accommodate more than two im- 
ages or to include various additional constraints. Radiomet- 
ric parameters can also be included in an effort to compen- 
sate for differences in brightness and contrast between the 
two images, and are particularly helpful when using digi- 
tized images of analog diapositives [Pertl, 1985]. However, 
a radiometric adjustment is typically performed prior to the 
least squares solution, equalizing the average and the stan- 
dard deviation of gray values of the two conjugate windows, 
thus accommodating for uneven radiometric properties of 
the two images. 
3.1 Mathematical Formulation for Multiple Images 
Multiple image matching can be performed by simultane- 
ously minimizing the gray value differences between all the 
possible pairs of conjugate image windows. One image win- 
dow has to be kept constant and serves as the matching tem- 
plate. For every pair of conjugate image windows (w;, w;), 
depicting the same object-space area in the overlapping pho- 
tos 1 and j, we form the observation equations 
gi(æi, Yi) — 9i(z5,9;) = eij(z,y) (15) 
For windows of n; x n; pixels appearing in n overlapping 
photographs we have a total of (n — 1) + (n —2) +... + 2+ 
] pH pairs of conjugate image windows and therefore 
no mg observation equations. According to the general 
least squares matching approach, each pair of conjugate win- 
dows is geometrically related through a six-parameter affine 
2; = af +a + aly; (16) 
yj — b7 + bz; + by; (17) 
or, conceptually 
(25,95) = f(z, 9:) (18) 
However, we cannot introduce a set of affine transformation 
parameters for every pair of image windows since that leads 
to dependency between transformation parameters. Instead, 
we can use the set of transformation parameters relating 
each window w; to the template window w, 
(2; yi) = F (21, yı) for :2 = 2,3...n (19) 
which uniquely and sufficiently describes the geometric rela- 
tionships between all possible conjugate window pairs [Tsin- 
gas, 1991]. Indeed, the transformation between a window w; 
in photo j and its conjugate window w; in photo 7 is uniquely 
described through the parameters relating each window to 
the template window w, as 
(25,93) = f (£7)! (zi, y) (20) 
with the inverse affine transformation f! — (f!5)-! defined 
12,18 1: 11 11 Hu 
1 — - - - - * - T T 1 T 7 3 - i 
alibi 2 alibi: alibi: LA ai by alibi Es ali bi 
alibi -- plight bii —alt 
gj, A 201 2 204 2 ji 
3 -— * * * * . - 3 - 1 . . * * 1 
XN ap a RE ap 
Substituting in equations 
1j 1j 1j 
z; = Ay -Fayzidctagyy (23) 

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