Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

School of Surveying 
University of N.S.W. 
P.O. Box 1, Kensington, NSW 2033 Australia 
A simulation study of the precision of image matching based on the least squares and cross-correlation methods is being carried out 
on a variety of simulated images of typical objects on digitized photographs or satellite data. The tests in this paper will demonstrate 
the precision of image matching by both methods, and also the factors which influence the precision such as the amount of detail in 
the image, the size of the detail, the image quality, image geometry and quantization level. As the method is based on simulated 
images with known positions of the centres of both image windows, a reliable estimate of the precision of the matching is possible. 
Key Words: Image Matching, Image Processing, Algorithmic. 
1. Introduction 
Developments of software for machine vision applications of 
photogrammetry based on digital images have been under way 
in the School of Surveying for some time, (Trinder et al 
1990). The technology is designed for medicine and quality 
control for manufacturing. The precisions of image matching 
achieved with tests of these developments to date have been of 
the order of 0.2 to 0.3 pixel. In addition, a check on the 
accuracies of the geometry of the object using analogue images 
observed in an analytical stereoplotter, indicated accuracies of 
the order of Imm to 2mm, depending on the camera geometry, 
for a camera to object distance of 1.8m. While these precisions 
are typical of those obtained by many researchers, it became 
necessary to investigate the precision of image matching that 
can be achieved with the method and the factors such as image 
content and quality which influence them, to determine if 
improvements in the results are achievable. It is noted that the 
precisions of template matching to well defined targets by 
Beyer (1992) are of the order of 0.02 pixel. The results of the 
study of the precision of image matching are described in this 
In an earlier study, investigations were carried out on the 
precision of target location on simulated digital images, based 
on the computation of the target centroid, as a function of 
image quality variables such as target size, extent of blur in the 
image, pixel size, quantization level, and noise (Trinder, 
1989). This paper extends this study to investigations of the 
accuracy of image matching, based on the method of least 
squares (Foerstner 1982) of a range of simulated digital 
images, subject to the same variables as those above, together 
with variables such as displacements, scale changes and 
rotations between the two images. 
2. Creation of Image Windows 
The images generated in this study are designed to represent 
typical features in photographic or satellite images over which 
image matching may be undertaken. Therefore features that 
can be generated by the software involve a range of shapes 
such as circles, crosses, crosses with additional blobs, t- 
junctions, v-junctions and grids. Each feature is described by a 
grid of sample points, typically 64 by 64 points or 128 by 
128. The features are then subjected to image blur by 
convolution by FFT of the feature with a Gaussian spread 
function with 26 widths ranging from 10 to 50pm, which are 
typical of those which occur for standard aerial photography or 
satellite images. A spread function of 26 value of 0 um is also 
possible for testing images when no blur is present in the 
image. The next step is to digitize the feature with pixel sizes 
ranging from 10um to 50um. This process has been described 
previously (Trinder 1989). The intensity of each pixel is a 
function of the volume of the solid contained by the 
intersection of the surface, representing the intensity 
distribution of the feature in the x and y directions, and the 
column representing the pixel. This volume is derived by 
interpolating sufficient values within the area of each pixel, 
from the surface representing the intensity of the feature, to 
give adequate precision. During the digitisation process, 8 
quantization levels can be selected, resulting in digital data of 
28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22,21 grey values which means 
encoding into 8, 7, ...1 bits, respectively. Noise can be 
introduced into the digitized data prior to quantization. The 
size of the feature in relation to the pixel size determines the 
size of the image window, which is therefore a dependent 
variable in this study. 
The process of image matching clearly requires two separate 
images to be generated. The first image, coded as the left hand 
image, was derived according to the description above, while 
the dimensions and orientation, where appropriate, of the 
second or right image were varied from those of the left image 
to simulate changes in scale and rotations between the two 
images. This enabled tests to be carried out on the effects of 
geometric distortions in the features in the two windows on the 
efficiency of the image matching. The digitisation process of 
the right window is repeated a number of times to simulate the 
circumstance in practice where the position of the initial pixel 
with respect to the location of the feature may vary randomly. 
This is applied in the horizontal direction only (i.e. x-direction) 
by displacing the commencing pixel in the range of + 1 pixel 
from the initial position on the feature by a random generator. 
Obviously, since the features have been computer generated, 
the exact locations of the centres of the features are known. 
In summary, the following parameters can be varied in this 
study on the accuracies of image matching:- 
* feature characteristics of shape, size, image quality 
and noise, 
* pixel size used for digitizing, and therefore window 
size, and commencing position of the digitizing, 
* quantization level, 
* feature position, scale and orientation. 
3. Image Matching 
Image matching has been carried out by both the least squares 
and cross-correlation methods. The tests have involved the 
computation of the matching of the right image to the left 
image, commencing with the initial assumption that the correct 
matching position of the right window is indeed the centre of 
the window. Displacements, scale changes and rotations of the 
feature in the right window with respect to the feature in the 
left window can be selected by data input. It follows that the 
correct position of matching will be subject to these 
displacements, scale changes and rotations, and the matching 
procedure should therefore reveal the effects of these 
parameters. Tests will determine the maximum values of these 
parameters which can be accommodated in the matching 
process. Since the commencing position of the digitization 

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