T pl,
ALP A, |
APA, - ASP A, )
to become a singular or at least an ill- conditioned
matrix. In that case the image inversion problem cannot be
solved by the equations (21) alone, unless additional
observation equations are added well-defined
procedure of regularization.
in a
3. Regularization of FAST Vision by Choice of Appro-
priate Facets and by Curvature Minimization
Sufficient regularization may already be obtained by
choice of the appropriate size of facets. Indeed, for the
representation of the object grey value function So y»
in relationship (21) a constant ratio of 2x2 pixels per
G-facet has been found to be a reasonable compromise
between resolution and accuracy. This ratio can be used
everywhere. It is independent of the image signals, as
long as pixel size itself is in correct relation to image
signal. In contrast to this Z-facets should have a variable
size in principle, in one window already, because the
Z-parameters in (21) depend exclusively on the grey value
gradient, which is a space function of X, Y. The reali-
zation of that optimal idea seems to be too complicated.
We decided for a constant size of Z-facets in combination
with stabilizing constraints with local weights. This
approach has many advantages as will come out in this
In this section the limitation of two simple stabilizing
methods will stabilization only by
constant, rather large Z-facets and by curvature mini-
mization with global weights.
The numerical experiments in this section are performed
with two stereo image pairs, generated of the same
object. It can be described as a gable roof: two planes
with an inclination of 20° meet at a ridge. There is a
shady plane containing the grey values from O to 12T,
and a plane exposed to the light containing grey values
from 128 to 255. The simulated photographs of the object
were taken with a standard deviation of 4 grey values
(white noise), pixel size is 20 um x 20 um. This is the
first image pair used the first experiment. The
following photogrammetric parameters are the same for both
image pairs: image scale 112000, base-to-height ratio
11.6, for comparison with standard accuracy of today's
photogrammetry: Ol OooD-018 m, with D - distance
The second image pair has been generated with a
slightly different texture (see fig. 3.1): In the centre of the
object, there is a 5x5 Z-facets region containing the grey
value constant 127.
The parameters chosen for the FAST Vision process are:
be demonstrated:
size of Z-facets 2m x 2m
G-facets per Z-facet 4x4
pixel per G-facet 2.083 x 2.083.
The 12x12 Z-facets, selected for surface
reconstruction, are located on both sides of the ridge
(c. fig. 3.1), and the ridge coincides with the boundary of
Z -facets.
In all experiments, the iterations of FAST Vision are
started from a horizontal surface plane through the roof.
which were
Fig. 31: Generated pictures
and position of the
ridge within the
Z-facets. The hatched
facets represent the
region with constant
grey values.
In the first experiment only the grey value equations
(2D have been evaluated, thereby applying the
following simple regularization procedure: increase the
size of Z-facets till sufficient stability has been obtained.
All the other parameters of FAST Vision have been kept
We started with the above mentioned size of 2mx 2m,
but convergence was obtained not before a Z-facet size
of 5m x Sm. Here, stabilization has to be paid by poor
resolution. However, the accuracy figures, computed from
least squares, are very good: standard deviation s, of the
observations G, G': sg- 3.997 grey values (a priori
S9= 4), mean 5, of the standard deviations of all
Z:5, = 0.042 m, which is in good agreement with the root
mean square of true Z-errors: rms (dZ) = 0.068 m.
The second experiment shows the performance of regula-
rization by curvature minimization. The second image
pair (fig. 3.1) and all the other parameters, given above,
have been introduced. For regularization only global
weights A have been used.
Results (see fig. 3.2 and 3.3):
The Z-resolution has been improved from 5m x 5m to
2m x 2m, but at the expense of a rather high regulariza-
tion parameter ^. No convergence is obtained with
422000. Fig. 3.3 shows, that the ridge (roofline) is flatte-
ned by a high regularization parameter À. The region
with constant grey values lowers the ridge at this point.
Both effects can be seen clearly in the dZ-graph. In the
region of constant grey values, there are no deterministic
grey value gradients, only very small stochastic
gradients, resulting from grey value noise. Nevertheless,
it is possible to reconstruct the surface in that region, but
only with high regularization parameter A. High A - on the
other hand - has a rather far extending impact on the
surroundings of each Z _,as can be seen from the
distribution of positive and negative dZ-values, see fig. 3.3.
Also, there is only a weak agreement of 5, with
rms (dZ). Regularization by curvature minimization with
global weights is not satisfying.