Wm N95 —
2.4.1 Measures
(1) Mean grey level
where TO is a threshold.
(2) Texture
sqri(Z(xi-x)?/m)«T1., or
H= ZpjlnPj <T2
G = X(ij)2py <T3
where H is the entropy, G is the contrast and p is the
2.4.2 Data structure----doubletree. Doubletree, which
node consists of the regions from dividing the image
equally and alternately in x-direction and y-direction, is
simpler than quadtree.
The encoding criteria are 7
left :0
right :1
up :0
down : 1
The code of the region on Fig.O is ;
1001 5 8 Fig. 0
2.4.3. Separation-merger algorithm.
(1) scparation. For cach node, if the measure of the
consistency is false it is divided into left and right (or up
and down) parts, untill all leaves represnt a consistent
(2) merger. For each region, if the consistent measure of
the region and its neighbor region is true, then the
neighbor region is merged into it.
2.4.4 Labling algorithm of neighbor regions. The
conneclivily of a region is considered in the separalion-
merger algorithm. So, it can be a labling algorithm of
neighbor regions. In this case, the consistent measure is
true, if all pixels in the region are 1, and the region, in
Which no pixel is 1, do not store in the tree.
As a special cxmaple, the unconnected curves can be
separated by separation-merger algorithm, so that the line
following will be simple.
The result of image segmentation is a binary or multiple
value image. It can be used in image analysis.
The human vision is concerned in not only the images or
objects, but also human thought, knowledge and new
On the basis of this idea, the structuring elements with
different size and shape can more easily be designed to
adapt to our task, while the mathematical morphology is
used in image analysis. The morphological filtering with
the structuring elements is applied in the extraction of the
useful imformation and the restraint of the uninterested
3.1. Back
1975], [Serra, 1982]
The operations of mathematical morphology can be
divided into set operations and function operations. À
binary image is a set in which the objects are its subsets.
A grey-level image is a function on a set.
If X is a binary image on a plane, it is equivalent to a
binary function f(x,y), where (xy)€X and xy€R, €
means belong to.
Let A KE2R*R K called structuring element is a limited
set. z=(x0,y0)ER?.
Difinition 1: the Translate of f(x,y) or A by z is defined as
Trans([,z) =f(x+x0,y+y0)=[z
Trans(A,z) = {a+z: aCA} =Az
Difinition 2: the Reflection of K is defined by
K = (Ck: kCK )
Difinition 3: the Dilation of A and f by K is
A@K={1Kz A!=9}
fek(x)- ut n - k(7)}
Difinition 4: the Frosion
AGK - (zl Kzc A )
fOk(x) 7 sup(f(x-z) + k(z)}
Difinition 5: Opening
AoK = (A©K)@K - U Ky
Difinition 6: Closing
; v
AK - (A6K)GK - f Ky
{yIkÿNA != 6}
where Kc={xIx€2R"R, x &K )
Difinition 7: Let X be image and T=(T1,T2), where
T1,T2€2R"R are structuring elements.
Hitmiss(X,T) » (X0T1) / (X912) = X@T
where / is the subtract of sets.
XQ9T - (XOT1)A(X*0T2).
3.2 Analysis of Edge
3.2.1. Edge. The edge extraction with mathematical
morphology is simple for the binary image. The method 1