S. Numerical Experiments Of FAST Vision With Adaptive
In this paper only introducing experiments are presented.
However, in another paper at this congress a series of
different examples is given, see KAISER et al. 1992.
In order to compare the methods of regularization the
experiment of chapter 3 is carried out again. The second
pair of images (with a section of constant grey value)
was used. The photogrammetric and FAST Vision
parameters are the same as in chapter 3. An image
pyramid with two levels was applied. The results of the
experiments in fig. 5.1 - 5.3 correspond to those in chapter 3;
see fig. 3.2 for explanation.
X So rms( dZ) $2 D
6000 3.914 0.152 0.0279 12
2000 3.910 0.154 0.0373 12
2000 3.901 0.200 0.0368 66
6000 3.917 0.158 0.0279 ll
2000 3.911 0.152 0.0373 11
2000 3.906 0.182 0.0369 65
Fig. 5.1: Experimental results: exclusively self adaptive
regularization (above), combined self adaptive
and pyramid assisted regularization (below)
e The quality of reconstruction is definitely better than
with curvature minimization, fig. 3.2, at the same number
of iterations! The true errors dZ at the roofline have the
same magnitude as everywhere, with the exemption of
the region with constant grey values. This region is not
correctly reconstructed (nothing else had to be expected
because of lacking deterministic grey values) But in
these experiments the differences between the true and the
reconstructed object are smaller than with curvature
minimization (v. fig. 52 and fig. 5.3). This indicates a
better interpolation in that region, due to the use of
approximated curvature values from surface pyramid,
being closer to reality than in the case of regularization
by curvature minimization. So, FAST Vision with adaptive
regularization shows up remarkable edge preserving
e Às predicted by theory in section 41, see (33), the
results of true errors dZ and standard error so practically
do not differ with different regularization weight P, = À,
fig. 5.1.
e Also, the impact of different iteration numbers n, is
confirmed as predicted. The reconstructed surface
becomes rougher with increasing n,. The true errors dZ are
distributed more stochasticallly - as they should do
(cf. white image noise) - than with low iteration numbers ni.
This effect results from the smoothing influence of the
additional observation equations (see chapter 4.1), which
decreases with n;.
Fig. 5.2: Reconstructed roofline: self adaptive regulariza-
tion (lefÜ. and dZ-graph (right)
\= 6000, dZmax = +0.873m and dZmin = -0.195 m,
12 iterations (above)
À » 2000, dZmax » +1.059m and dZmin= -0.647m,
56 iterations (below)
e However, the mean but not the maximum difference
between true and reconstructed obiect gets larger with
increasing number of iterations. This seems to be a
paradoxical result, but it corresponds to the special shape of
the object, which consists of two planes. Therefore, this
result probably cannot be generalized to other surfaces.
e The results of self adaptive and of pyramid assisted
regularization can be compared in region of constant
grey values, v. fig. 5.2 and 5.3. They do not differ much
in that experiment. The average standard error s. does
not agree with the corresponding rms of true errors. This
discrepancy could be removed, if the refinement
procedure for standard errors, see section 4.2, step 3, is used
Fig. 5.3: Reconstructed roofline: combined self adaptive
and pyramid assisted regularization (left) and
dZ-graph (right):
À = 6000, d7maz = +0.892 m and dZmin = -0.201 m,
11 iterations (above)
À = 2000, dZmax = +0.819 m and dZmin = -0.639m,
65 iterations (below)
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